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Hey all!  Submit your questions here, to be answered in the next Rumblings from the Lair.  Please post your questions as responses in this thread, otherwise I may not find them!

Let the questioning begin!



Have you seen the animated video "How The Last Jedi Should Have Ended" ? It's floating around on you tube and came out a couple months ago. If so, what are your thoughts on it? In you opinion, would have the movie been better received by fans had it played out closer to what they expected? (I'm sorry I'm first all the time. I usually click on Patreon stuff as soon as I get the email :) )


With the Shazam and Aquaman movies still coming out, how much of a "shared universe" can we expect to see from them and future DC live-action films? Despite the reception of Justice League do you think there is still a way to "right the ship" and salvage a shared DC film universe in the same vein as the MCU? Or should DC cut its losses and focus on an entirely different direction?


I have never heard you talk about being married so I assume you are not. Do you find it difficult to date living in the center of the earth?


No need to apologize for being quick on the draw! I think you're very often the first on the YouTube videos too...I'm impressed! As for the video you mention, I haven't seen it, but I can take a look at it to answer your excellent question!


Ha ha...great question! I shall indeed answer it, thanks Viking Bitch!


Before Discovery became an unwanted reality, there was another production making Star Trek news. Leaving legal wrangling and ethics to the side, what were your thoughts on Prelude to Axanar?


Do you foresee Kathleen Kennedy being unceremoniously removed from the franchise as soon as the repercussions from TLJ, the upcoming Solo debacle, and Episode 9 finally take hold and drive a stake into the heart of Star Wars as the last of the die hard fans head for the exits? Toy sales, a one time cash cow, are plummeting and earnings are falling off like it's once loyal fanbase. If Disney gets its act together, how long do you think it will take them to get rid of this horribly obtuse woman who essentially doesn't think she owes anything to the male fanbase that built the whole thing in the first place? It would be tantamount to Chanel creative director, Karl Lagerfeld saying that Chanel doesn't owe anything to its female customers. Madness!


Outstanding question Travel Zealot! Thank you...and on a side note, I'm glad to see you're alive and well after hearing about the trouble in France...stay safe and don't wander in places where gangs may trouble you! (Fortunately you're a savvy travel expert, so I doubt I need be concerned, but just thought I'd mention it...)


Not to worry, the worst I have had to contend with is stepping in dog shit here in Montmartre which is where I think where all of the excrement has relocated since Paris at large has cleaned up its act. That said, I managed to double dip and soil both of my shoes, but other than that all is well I assure you. I think the trouble you referred to is in the South of France.


Glad to hear it (mostly...sorry about the shoes)! I hope that when you stepped in it, you looked down and muttered "Goddamn Florsheim shoes..." I've always wanted the opportunity to do that (even though they're certainly not).


In an ideal world, you would've stepped in the dogshit and said "Goddamn Florsheim shoes..." and I would've been there and replied, without missing a beat, "Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown", even though it's France and Nikes, and we both would've been fine with that by God, because that's just the way we fucking roll... ;D


How are you liking Stargate SG:1 so far? Do you view it with grudging suspicion? lol


When are you going to acknowledge me as your superior?


when is the bloodshed gonna begin?


I am probably older than most of your fan base, consequently I do not keep up on the latest films or actors that are trending. I tend to love science fiction from earlier era's, I hope that does not bother Doomcock. With that in mind, please tell what you thought of the movie "The Final Countdown" We're the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Nimitz travels back through time to WW II Japan?


Oh dear oh dear oh dear. I greatly fear you're not going to enjoy the answer, but when you say something like that to me, you most assuredly deserve what you get.


It does not bother Doomcock at all Ronald! I'll be happy to answer your question!


Do you do the opening music or is that some royalty free stuff?


When the inevitable happens and you become known worldwide do you have a plan to stay grounded from all the fame?


In all seriousness, why do you think many major franchises have devolved into pure cynicism and cash grabs, and why do companies pursue this despite the fact it pisses the core fanbases off?


Ah...the "in all seriousness" part of your question suggests that your earlier taunting was in jest? If so, then I will give you the benefit of the doubt and answer this question and if not, then I will answer THAT question. When you answer, please bear in mind you cannot come into a supervillain's lair and say shit like that to him and expect anything but retaliation, it's simply not done. So, may I disregard that question?