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...guess I'm fucked.  Sigh.

Might as well start looking for the damned thing.  You twisted sickos!



I voted for Casablanca. Sorry DVD.


I'm so sorry for subjecting you to it, but I really really hate that movie. I want you to be the one to smite it 😊 If you need any moral support during your time of need, I'll be around. 😊 I'm so sorry for the pain you are about to endure.


THANK YOU jonuiuc. THANK YOU. Fuck. Ah well. Perhaps next time...but it looks like nothing can save my poor metal-clad ass now...


i voted ST2. blame those other sadistic perverts!!!!LOL


Ahhhh...THANK YOU CthulhuChow! Wrath of Khan...man, I've got to do that one as well! But first...Ghostbusters...the people have spoken!


Why are you watching the feminazi Ghostbusters? Do you have a death wish? It's the only Ghostbusters I've ever seen, and it's made me avoid anything Ghostbusters from now on. What a miserable, sadistic cash grab piece of shit. Also it's good to see you on Patreon


This definitely falls into the "watch out what you ask for" department. I just went onto iTunes and there is no rental. You have to buy the goddamned thing for $12.99, and I was also greeted by a critic score of 74%. Has the world gone mad?! Couldn't these broads have left well enough alone? Seriously Wiig and McCarthy were riding high after Bridesmaids. Why do they feel the need to drown these classics in estrogen? What's next "The Fabulous Seven", "Laura of Arabia", or "Dirty Harriet"?


Well Dicktor, you don’t have to do it alone. You have loyal Legionnaires who will help you plot your attack. Plus booze....lots of booze.


Your helmet needs a "Rage Concentrator" attachment that can channel your dark energy into something useful, like strengthening the containment field around Harvey, or exploding the entire universe to prevent the release of "Solo: A Star Wars Story."


The release of Solo should unleash a torrent of invective and fury the likes of which we basically see here on a weekly basis. I for one am really looking forward to it! Doomcock's reaction, not the movie. This malevolent disturbance in the Force has at least given us the gift of Doomcock's Lair, an orchid growing out of the fungus on the rotting corpse of Star Wars, if you will. I'll stay out of the theater, and instead chill out, cozy in one of my hotel/hostel rooms, where I can view Dicktor's latest tumultuous take down. For me, it's a palliative to the greed, stupidity, and injustice gripping the world at large as I traverse the globe.


Thank you LHAD! Why you ask? Because certain sadistic elements in the Lair have been longing to see me suffer, that's why! (Okay, to be fair and set aside my bitterness, these guys have suffered through it, and want the balm of hearing me attack it unmercifully, and so I shall provide them with this service. Misery, as they say, loves company. Well, I get funny when I'm miserable...funny and vicious. So, I bow to the will of my people...I will do live DVD Commentary on this abomination of abominations...me and my pal Johnny Walker Red...) But you're quite right...watching this thing is madness...


WELL...I have my ways. I think I may simply buy a used copy at Half Price Books, and then return it the next day! Evil, yes, but what the hell...I'm a supervillain, ain't I??? :D Yes, the critic score was one of the first casualties in the new politicization of bad movies for critical shelter. Critics were scared to give it an honest review for fear of being branded misogynists...and so criticism in the United States was thrown into a death spiral. Now one can only trust the feedback of the people in forums, posting their reviews. That's the only way to get a true grasp on whether a movie stinks or not. Well, I suppose that's not entirely true. All of you here have Doomcock. Beyond monetization, shunned by Hollywood and feared by studios, Doomcock alone will tell you the truth. Always! (And I thought your feminized titles were fucking hilarious...Laura of Arabia...SHIT! The horror...the horror...) XD


Oh yes indeed...like Ringo, I get by with a little help from my friends...some of them liquid... :D


I'd love to do that, but it would also prevent the release of Guardians of the Galaxy 3, which would be a damned shame...as well as the 3rd Season of the EXCEPTIONAL Syfy show: The Expanse! THIS is what STD laughably always claimed to be, Game of Thrones in space...three different human civilizations vying for control of the solar system, Earther, Martians, and Belters, working class humans accustomed to working in zero gravity, who cannot return to Earth lest they be crushed by the gravity. Shall I destroy the world and all of that greatness for a fucking piece of shit like Solo?! NO...but I swear to you all, I plan to see it at the first showing if at all possible, getting you the review ASAFP to spare you guys the horror of seeing the thing...I'll tell you all you need to know, and take the hit for you!


Ha! I love it! In the hothouse of hate and hauteur that is Xanadoom blooms an orchid of hope! Yes oh Travel Zealot, I am resolved to see Solo at the first showing if I can get tickets, and posting my review on Day One for your safety and convenience! So fear not...Doomcock is on the case!


Where will this be posted? Will you watch the other Ghostbusters films, I assume you've seen them (I havent so I dont know what to expect from them)?


I actually thought the Discord link was like a live stream commentary. But I noticed it too late. Was it? :D