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When I did my streams in the past they have gone pretty well and Id like to do some for you guys again I cant do them to often but I think having a day every week were i do one for a set amount of time would be nice and youd be able to know when it is and stop by for it.

The stream would be Patreon themed where I would be doing Patreon requests that you had submitted for your rewards during the current month. Every once in awhile I could also work on comic ages or maybe some personal pictures

So this poll is for the day of the week you like to



I love to watch them when I have the time. It's especially awesome when you were working on something of mine and I got to give my input while you worked. It's also nice to just say hi.


I'd definitely love to see you do that ^^


That will be awesome as well. Quick question: What time would you usually hold your streams?


They would be mid day to night probably since thats when im awake,XP