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Hey guys~ Is there anything youd like me to do to enhance your patreon experience?

Maybe I can set up an upload schedule where on those days of the week I always post something for you or do you prefer my current way of just randomly putting stuff up? Id really like to know~

Just tell me what you guys think, Love you all and than you soo soo much for your support!!



Stream again soon, I liked to see how your stuff becomes to be! Maybe new tiers?

(R)Owen(a) Hero

Maybe a discord server, you'd probably find it more useful than I do.


Thank you so much for the feedback maybe Ill try to do a weekly stream like once a week every so and so day. Im not sure what Id change for my tiers though..?


Thank you for the feedback, Your going to have to explain the uses of that,Im not sure what usefulness that would serve


I'm not on the high paying tiers however, I am happy with the patreon. Stuff appears pretty regular and the quality is good.


I would like it is Kobi stage 4 and Kobi stage 5 were different. Currently the only difference between them is that one is $20 and one is $30, with no difference in reward.

Dillon Schultz

I would be interested in maybe themes once a month? Perhaps a special theme for each month or even a discount on purchasing pics of certain themes or characters?


Yeah Im not sure what I can do to add to the rewards though?


I enjoy your patreon. It's really good. I am on the low end though so I don't think my opinion would matter as much, but here goes. 1) The monthly raffle for a color single is a nice idea. 2) Let your $30 tier be the Full Color Pic & let the $50 tier would be a Full Color Pic with up to two characters with background and simple story. 3) Discount on commissions in a certain tier as well.