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David hid the recovered items behind him, then skillfully dodged the approaching two police officers and stood in front of Becky.

Becky looked at David, concerned, and asked, "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine. Here, your bag, and your grandmother's bracelet."

While talking, David handed over the recovered backpack and bracelet to Becky.

Taking the items, Becky said incredulously, "How did you do that? That guy was strong."

David nodded while explaining, "I've been practicing boxing recently. Practicing a move called Thunder Strike!"

Speaking, he even demonstrated a few striking gestures. "Like this!"

Watching David's actions, Becky looked him up and down, then said, "You seem different from before."

David extended his right hand and smiled. "I also just got a new ring."

Becky glanced at David's ring and commented, "It looks nice."

"Thank you."

At this moment, David looked at Becky, took a deep breath, and said excitedly, "I just want to tell you, if you need help with your midterms, feel free to come to me."

Becky nodded, "Okay, that's great."

David asked in surprise, "Really?"

Becky asked, "Is tomorrow okay?"

David, excited, replied, "Absolutely. Don't stand me up."

"By the way, I'm currently temporarily staying at Charles Agency on 71 Forrest Hills Avenue, Queens."

Hearing David's address, Becky asked in astonishment, "What?"

David repeated, "I'm currently temporarily staying at Charles Agency on 71 Forrest Hills Avenue, Queens."

Becky exclaimed excitedly, "Oh my god, no wonder you could handle that guy!"

"David, what's your relationship with the Ninja Immortal? You actually live in his Agency. Are you guys relatives?"

"Is he also a wealthy playboy like Tony Stark, Iron Man? I heard they are good friends!"

Looking at Becky, who fired off several questions like a machine gun, David asked in confusion, "What?"

"Who is the Ninja Immortal?"

Seeing David not pretending, Becky said, "Charles Doyle."

"Charles Doyle is the Ninja Immortal? The Ninja Immortal is Charles Doyle."

"You live in Charles Agency, don't you know?"

"Mr. Charles Doyle, the mysterious hero who defeated the monster Abomination and appeared during the battle between Iron Man and Iron Monger."

"All of this was acknowledged by Mr. Charles in a press conference this morning."

"David, don't you watch the news? Believe me, by tomorrow, or even in the evening, this news will be all over the place."

Listening to Becky's words, David finally understood. Muttering to himself, he said, "Charles Doyle is the Ninja Immortal, a superhero..."

"Yes, David, what's your relationship with him? You must know each other; otherwise, you wouldn't be living there."

"I should be Charles Doyle's junior brother," David said somewhat uncertainly.

Then, his gaze became firm, and he said seriously, "Yes, Charles Doyle is my senior brother, the Ninja Immortal is my senior brother."

Becky looked at David with a puzzled expression. Was this guy really the Ninja Immortal's junior brother?

At that moment, the subway train arrived. Becky said, "I'm getting on this train."

Becky entered the carriage, stood at the door, and said to the still somewhat dazed David, "See you tomorrow."

David reacted and said, "That's our agreement. I'll be waiting for you there tomorrow!"

As David finished speaking, the subway doors closed, and the train quickly headed into the distance. David watched the departing train, lost in thought.

At this moment, Balthazar appeared behind David and suddenly said, "Love, it's confusing and fascinating."

David was startled by the sudden voice and quickly turned around.

Balthazar continued, looking at David, "Magic requires full concentration."

Then, he twisted his neck and said, "Let's go, Thunder Strike, you still have a long way to go."

David followed Balthazar back to Charles Agency.

In the training room, David stood in the magic circle and said, "Master, do you know? Senior Brother Charles Doyle is actually a superhero, also known as the Ninja Immortal."

"On the way back just now, I checked with my phone. Senior Brother is the second-largest individual shareholder of Stark Industries, Iron Man's good friend, and he also has a charity foundation."

"According to estimates, Senior Brother's net worth is possibly in billions!"

Balthazar, sitting in a chair, listened to David's words with some surprise. He knew Charles was wealthy, given the size and luxury of the Agency, but a net worth in billions was beyond his expectations.

Balthazar shook his head and said in a calm voice, "I think the title 'Supreme Merlin' sounds better than Ninja Immortal."

"What do you think, David?"

David smiled awkwardly and said, "I dare not say anything about Senior Brother's chosen title, but he can have multiple titles, right?"

"Like how I have multiple degrees."

Listening to David's explanation, Balthazar nodded, acknowledging his words. He picked up the coffee on the side, took a sip, and then said, "Hurry up and practice. The magic you used at the subway station was really embarrassing."

Hearing the master's reprimand, David quickly focused and didn't dare to say more.

On the other side, John Wick looked at the Rolls-Royce, driving towards Charles Agency.

Because Ginny had to deal with matters at the base, she didn't accompany Charles back to the Agency. Instead, she left John to be with Charles, responsible for his travel.

Sitting in the car, Charles watched John Wick's back and then asked, "John, you can bring your Rottweiler to the office as well. It'll be convenient for you to take care of it."

"Thanks, BOSS. I'll have someone bring it over later."

Charles nodded, then continued, "How's life like this now? Can you adapt to it?"

"Thank you for taking me in, BOSS. I feel much more secure by your side. I really like the current life."

"In a while, we'll have a high table meeting. I intend to hand over all the wax bath room's collaborations to you to handle."

Hearing Charles's words, John paused for a moment and then said, "Thank you, BOSS. I'll handle the work well."

Charles nodded and didn't say more.

Soon, the car arrived at the entrance of Charles Agency.


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