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[T/N:  I am thinking of attaching the picture of any new female characters that appears in this fanfic in order to enhance your reading experience. In case, attaching the pic in the middle of the chapter bothers you, let me know, I will then attach the picture at the start of the chapter from next time on.

One more thing, if you want other characters' pic attached as well besides just the female ones, let me know as well.]

Soon, David and Balthazar finished the food on the table.

"We've rested enough; let's go back to continue practicing!" Balthazar said, preparing to get up and return to the training room.

At this moment, David, from the window behind Balthazar, saw Becky walking across the street.

Becky was the girl David had a crush on when he was young. However, due to the incident with the mysterious cabin, they were separated for ten years.

They finally met again in yesterday's class, and now, seeing each other, their gazes seemed unable to move away.

Seeing David's gaze, Balthazar also turned to look outside, spotting Becky on the street. He then said, "NO, NO, NO."

David, looking a bit nervous, said, "I..."

Balthazar immediately interrupted, "We don't have time for that..."

David pointed directly to Becky outside the window and said, "That girl is the one I love the most. You're my master, Balthazar. Shouldn't you help me achieve my life's dream?"

Balthazar looked at David and said, "Ah, yes, yes, I am your master."

"As your master, I already said that if Maxim catches you on the street, you're doomed."

"Remember, last night, he just attacked you."

"For her, risking your life, is it worth it?"

"Think about it carefully, David!"

With a pained expression on his face, David hesitated for a moment, then rushed out. At the same time, he said, "Master, I'll come back as soon as I handle personal matters."

Watching his second disciple also leave for personal matters, Balthazar sighed, tapped his forehead, and then slowly got up, following after.

David rushed out of Charles's Agency, across the street towards Becky, and greeted her from behind, "Becky, what a coincidence."

Becky, looking at the sudden appearance, exclaimed in surprise, "Ah."

After confirming that the person was David, she greeted, "Hey, David."

David quickly said, "Do you want to go home or...?"

Becky teased, "Are you following me?"

David hastily explained, "I have no ill intentions!"

Becky smiled and then said, "I'm planning to go to the art gallery on Washington East Square. They have a painting exhibition today."

At this time, Balthazar walked out of Charles's Agency, looked at the distant figures of David and the girl chatting, and then said, "I hope it's just my unfounded worries."

David accompanied Becky all the way to the entrance of the subway station, chatting as they walked.

"I listened to your show last night."

Becky said, looking at David. "How did it feel?"

David raised his hands, excitedly saying, "Oh, fantastic."

"I've never heard those bands play before, which means they're truly exceptional."

Listening to David's praise, Becky smiled, "I'm glad someone is listening."

"Anyway, it's better than being idle."

As they chatted while walking, they arrived at the platform.

At this moment, a muscular African-American suddenly appeared in front of the two, holding a small knife and pointing it at them.

He then said to Becky, "Give me the money, give me, give me, hurry up."

The man had an intimidating look on his face, shouting at Becky while making gestures.

Startled by this sudden scene, Becky quickly handed over her backpack to the man.

However, the African-American man was not satisfied and continued, "Hurry up, bracelet."

Panicking, Becky quickly took off her bracelet, her voice trembling, "Okay, okay."

The man snatched the bracelet and shouted, "Give me the bracelet."

After getting the bracelet, he yelled at David, "Move aside."

With those words, he charged towards David and then made a quick escape.

David was directly bumped by the strong man, nearly falling on the spot.

Watching the escaping man, Becky exclaimed with a mournful tone, "That's my grandmother's bracelet."

Seeing Becky's sad expression, David took a deep breath, turned his head, and chased after the African-American man. At the same time, he took out the ring that Master Balthazar had given him from his pocket and put it on his finger.

Seeing David chasing the assailant, Becky shouted behind him, "No, David!"

Seeing that David didn't stop because of her shout, Becky quickly turned and ran towards the location of the subway police. She needed to call for help; that man was too strong, and he had a knife. David definitely wasn't a match for him.

At this moment, David chased the fleeing man, climbing two sets of stairs. Seeing that the African-American man was about to escape through the subway station's gate, David raised his right hand with the ring.

The ring emitted a green light, and instantly, the gate closed, preventing the man from pushing through.

The robber, who was about to escape through the gate, crashed into the railing and cried out in pain. He then tried to push the railing with his hands, but to no avail.

David walked over, holding up his right hand with the ring. He said, "You better return that bracelet to me."

Seeing this, the man withdrew from the exit, revealed his small knife, and retorted, "You better go find your girlfriend."

Hearing the man's words, David shook his head and said, "I really wish she was my girlfriend."

Then, as if thinking of something, a smile appeared on his face. "Do you think she's my girlfriend?"

"Really? Do you really think so?"

Confused by David's words, the man pointed his knife at David and said, "Enough of this nonsense, shut up."

Seeing the man's reaction, David raised his hand towards a nearby trash can. The trash can instantly floated up, and David intended to knock out the man with it.

The man, watching David swing his arm, asked in confusion, "What are you doing?"

While controlling the trash can, David said, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Seriously, I just want..."

Just as David released his fist, the trash can didn't hit the man as he planned. Instead, it ignited with a bang.

Because of the commotion, the frightened man quickly turned to look.

David covered his face with one hand in frustration as it was his operational mistake.

Seeing this scene, the man, pointing at the floating and burning trash can, turned his head to David and said, "Shit, did you see that?"

Taking a deep breath, David said, "Be careful."

Then, he pulled his arm back, and the flames on the trash can instantly extinguished. At the same time, the man was also knocked unconscious by him.

Seeing the assailant faint, David quickly approached, picked up Becky's backpack and bracelet, and turned back.

At this moment, David just arrived at the platform and saw Becky following two police officers, shouting, "He's up there, running upstairs."



Pic for all characters but maybe in a separate page