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I'm currently typing from my yoga mat on the floor because on Saturday morning, whilst doing one of those HIIT workouts that are popular with the kids, I committed a little too heavily to a move and ended up on the floor in agony. I've injured my lower back. For most of Saturday I couldn't walk, now I can walk with a wobble, but going between standing up and sitting down is a nightmare.

I'm doing all the right things, icing it, painkillers, stretching and as much movement as I can. I'm hopeful it will get better soon, but at the moment it's hindering my ability to work because I can't sit down for long, bend or move things around.

I'm working on the script for my next video when I can. And hopefully when it comes to filming I will be stronger.



Sara Tedrick Parikh

Oh noes!! Rest up and feel better. To give you something to look forward to, I’ve been trying to find a time to record my 2yo watching your “Board Games are Not Just for Geeks Anymore” video. He imitates your gestures and tries to do some of the dance moves. He also tries to sing along but can usually just get the word at the end of the line. It’s adorable, and I’m hoping to be able to share it with you (2yo cooperation is limited). Also, if YouTube stats show you an account that has watched that video dozens and dozens of times, then 👋🏻


It’s been a while, hope you’re feeling better?


Yes doing much better now thanks Erick and working on the next video. Will update more in the newsletter.