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Hello, gang!

I'm writing a quick note to let you know that I'm getting back to the business of guide-making and page-updating after an unexpected break for the past month.

Just a few days after making my last post to you (and in the middle of tons of work!), I received some very difficult personal news.

The news is not entirely mine to share with you right now. All I can say is that it was shocking and that it involves some major change in my life. I'm in good health as is the kid, which is what matters most. But, it's going to take me a long time to get back to some semblance of "normal."

As a result, I didn't have any time or focus to devote to guides for the rest of September. I barely had the focus to eat, if I'm being honest! I appreciate you all hanging in despite my pace suddenly falling off! But, I'm also proud to have kept that pace up for more than three months in a row so you know I am actively working on CK. 

I had such huge plans for the September, including debuting an indie guide every day for the week of my birthday. Alas, the best laid plans of mice and men often go awry.

Starting today I'm taking a fresh look at my comic guide schedule to see where it makes sense to pick back up. I was about 75% done a Werewolf by Night guide and deep into guides to prep for the Black Adam film, plus those indie guides and your Emma Frost Patrons' Choice pick - and, so many page updates to get ready for Black Panther!

I'll work out where all of those stand and be back next week with an update, whether that's a new guide or just a progress report.

I cannot thank you enough for your continued support. There have been points in the constant upheaval of the past five years when knowing I have a community of comic-loving companions on Patreon has been one of the only consistent parts of my life. You're chipping in a few dollars a month, but your support means so much more to me that that. I love building things that delight and inform you.

Thank You.



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