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Katie 80

Ugh, that guy makes me so mad honestly. I would understand more if she got the job through connections but was bad at it and they still let her work there, but she was highly qualified for the job and does it well. He is just mad cause she is a better lawyer than him. Also, I can tell you MY heart was beating fast watching him get close so I am surprised her heart didn't explode lol 😆


In episode 1 the crazy old man refers to her dad as a widower. No one else does after that. And the min-wo is just a jerk. He has a chip on his shoulder and people who will do anything to win are dangerous. I honestly don't think he sees Woo young as a person only as an obstecle.


I have a love/hate relationship with Min-woo because yes obvs he sucks and the whole nepotism thing is stupid because even if it's sort of true like she's so good at her job that it shouldn't even matter (while also ignoring the prejudice that she had to go through bc of her autism) BUT I actually do like the scene with him and Su-yeon (after Young woo takes the extra seat with Joon ho) Idk for some reason I like the fact that he acknowledges that Young woo is strong and doesn't underestimate her just bc she's autistic. Like he dislikes her BECAUSE she's strong not bc he has something against her for having autism (he still sucks but idk i liked that scene)


No, I understand where you’re coming from cause it’s one of the reasons i refrained from screaming at him more during that scene. He’s feeling threatened career-wise by her but he’s trying to find ways to take her down a peg, which is what I don’t like and I hope Su-yeon isnt buying into what he’s saying.