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Clare B

So, with Kim, his brother pretty much states in this episode that his main personality trait is being nosy. And if I recall correctly at the start of the show he was just asking about Kinn's new bodyguard, and it was brought up that Porsche didn't have a similar background to the other bodyguards, so I think it basically started with Kim doing a background check on his brothers new and out of place bodyguard, out of nosiness/concern, and is now investigating due to whatever he found out in the initial check.


Yup, see this what I thought too but him being nosy seemed too simple and I thought that wall of his seemed much more elaborate than to only be about Porsche and his background so maybe i’m over thinking it lol. But also good to know i didn’t forget a detail from earlier in the show :)

Clare B

And as for Vegas, I don't know what the book is about so I'd assume from the title that it alludes to a lack of childhood or having to grow up too soon. He had other books on the table outside so maybe its just a suggestion that he's a ~deep thinker~ to add to the new 'but he has a sensitive side' storyline. Ah yes, cute fluffy scenes and torture scenes, perfectly balanced, as all things should be


To a certain extent I feel bad for Vegas I don't think he really even is a bad person but rather forced to believe he is because of his dad and its sad. If he was truly evil he wouldn't have even bothered to take care of Petes wounds or even try to feed him.


Yes it is very sad how Vegas' father treats him but I cannot excuse/ just forgot about the countless times he tried to intoxicate Porsche and take advantage of him. Like aht ahttttt, he get very little sympathy