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I love the JunSeongho moments in this episode. For me it's crazy to think that they've only known each other for a week at this point because it feels way longer than that with the way they interact. They crack me up too! I loved how everyone communicated in these past 2 episodes. I think it was necessary for closure as well for some. Looking forward to next week's finale!


The first time I watched this episode, well, really, this series in general, I didn't care for Jin. After watching it again w/ you, I still don't care for him. Even after watching the videos that everyone has done on YT. I was greatly irritated during this episode and understood where Joon was coming from. If you re-watch and really pay attention to all of them, Jin was all over the place most of the time w/ who he liked. Min-Seong and Joon were good until Jin started, literally, hovering over and around Min-Seong all of the time. Once that started, Min-Seong was uncomfortable, understandably, but I don't feel like he put forth any effort later because he was the one being chased. Other than giving Joon the cookies earlier in the show, he didn't, really step it up. Once Joon started catching weird vibes from everyone involved, he started to back away to protect his heart. I liked their convo because it needed to be done and Min-Seong realized some things, but it was heartbreaking to watch. Anyway, I can't wait to watch next week!


Min Seong really frustrates me. The problem between Jin and Joon might not be his to fix, but he is the one causing it. More precisely, his behaviour. He comes across as a narcissist. He doesn't appear to give any thought to how his actions are affecting Jin and Joon. He gives both of them some encouragement (phone calls, cookies etc) and then sits back and lets them compete for his attention without actually talking to them and trying to find out how they feel or explaining how he is feeling. Instead, he tries to avoid them because they make him feel uncomfortable. And when they do get to talk one on one, he always manages to make it about him. There have been several occasions where they asked Min Seong if there was anything he would like to know about them and each time he twisted it around and wanted them to ask him questions about himself. It happened twice in this episode, and Joon said (paraphrasing) 'no, I need to hear your thoughts'. Min Seong and Hyeong Joon ended up waiting for each other to make the move, but it should have been Min Seong taking the lead because he's the one with the decision to make. From what he said to Joon and Seong Ho, I think he eventually realised it. Ultimately, if Min Seong had told Joon why he gave him the cookies, this entire situation wouldn't have arisen. Compare it to the other situation, where Seong Ho has been open and honest with both Jun Seong and Seon Woo about what he's feeling. Although it's been painful to watch at times, everyone knows where they stand. I do agree with you that Min Seong seems to have stronger feelings for Joon.


I totally agree that Minseong seems to like Joon more. Watching all the interactions I think Minseong and Joon had a similar chemistry to Seongho and Junseong. They just fit well together, and you can see the attraction in the way they speak to each other. I think if Joon was a little bit more assertive then there would have been no competition in that last day. I think Minseong likes the way Jin gives him attention. Junseong, Seongho and Jungwook interactions we so cute this episode it helped me get through all the tears.