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My interpretation of what happened to suyeon is that she had the stomach runs and she didn’t make it to the toilet in time before it came down if ykwim and then asked woo young to bring pants to change into haha it could alternatively bc that she got her period but it would of been stomach cramps rather than runs so I think it’s that she pooped herself I choose to go with that lmao


Yep I agree lol, confirmed as well after Minwoo asked her about emptying her bowels lmao.

marnie hilgendorff

I always cry because of that ending! I was so surprised and happy to see sapphic representation in such a big show :))

Clare B

Technically could be both, many women get bad stomachs on their periods, especially at the start, which would be why she said "not yet"


So in Korea, the venue of the wedding normally handles like everything from start to finish, the bride, groom and guest just have to show up basically. So when things went wrong it is not hard for all the blame to fall on them. The dress was supposed to her size and then alterations are normally made as well to make sure that it fits perfectly. So they not only gave her too big of a dress but also one that was not altered and just tried to use pins to fix it, they totally caused that to happen.


Also people think we sue alot in America but you can get sued in Korea so easily lmaooo


So in a perfect world, if someone steps on their wedding dress accidentally, it shouldn’t budge because it would fit perfectly (like outside of the world of this show), I just mean in general

Halima l- 1485 EXOL for life 💖

RJ bet after few episode you will like Suyeon character,that happens to me first two episode I dislike her , after few episode I really like her alot.


I don’t really dislike her all that much but her first impression was not a good one haha. She can be snarky though that’s for sure lol


IDEALLY, it should be fitted well so if it tugs it shouldn’t really just fall down like hers did, it should at least put up a fight lmao. So it’s not impossible but they basically gave her no chance 💀

Exekyute (Kyu)

I think if the dress was properly fitted, even if she stepped on her dress it would have likely caused her to stumble more or possibly fall over.


Ikr I get terrible cramps like I be out of commission when I get my period like the first 3 days is a no go sigh