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Halima -L-1485

The actor who playing Pharm, his really name is Fluke he is one of my favorite thai bl actor i saw him acting before until we meet again he is amezing actor , if you notice between pharm and dean have different memories pharm have bad memories while dean have sweet memories, the other character name is in and korn.

mayra valladares

You are correct in thinking they are the reincarnation of IN and KORN... also you saying I have a feeling this show will make me cry and you are right I cried almost every episode the actors know how to convey their characters emotions so well that u feel it


"shred it" 😂


The editing team did an incredible job of piecing this series together. They chose exactly the right clips to place side by side to tell the two stories, and if that wasn't enough to have you sobbing into your sleeves they then gave it a soundtrack that you will never recover from. I can't listen to any of these songs without being dragged back to the exact moment I first watched this series and crying my heart out all over again. I just wanted to highlight omelette-saga. Maybe you picked up on it, but as you didn't refer to it I thought I'd say something because it's a favourite moment of mine and quite easy to miss. Dean was having a dream where Intouch had cooked Korn an omelette but burnt it in the process. Dean later bought an omelette to eat at the university and made a comment about how 'this one' wasn't burnt. When he was called away by Win, Pharm unknowingly took the same seat and had also bought an omelette. He then tells Team that omelette was the first thing he had learnt to cook. This is a series where you really have to pay attention to everything, even if it feels insignificant, because they are constantly feeding you crumbs. Also, whenever we see Korn and In, it's either through a dream or from memories. That's important to remember. It's not just a case of flashbacks to fill the viewer in. There's a lot of parallels being drawn in every episode. It might be sad to keep seeing Korn and In, knowing what their fate was, but it's essential to the story. At least we are being shown that they shared some happy times and it wasn't all bad.


Very interesting about the Korn and In scenes, thanks for the heads up. I totally caught on about the omelette though, even though i didn’t mention it. What an interesting show so far!


So another important thing to note (I feel like the show does a lot of great things, but drops the ball on this) is that Pharm and Dean never remember their dreams or see the flashbacks of memories right now. They just feel the feelings. Which must be way more confusing and overwhelming. Because they feel all these things but they have no clue why.