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..I was honestly shaking by the end because I was so angry!



Selene Ledezma

I was feeling the exact same way as you about Jimin like girl you don't speak up about your feelings or what Rosa is doing and then you break up with him on his birthday?? of all days?? and expect him to, what? beg you to not do it like I was so mad when I first watched it. I really wanted them to not end up together at all, they should've been single by the end of the show.

Jenn BL

Are people really like this….??? 🤬 like just speak woman! And the bf…..get a freaking clue!


I swear they all get on my nerves! Coz ain’t no way they couldn’t see past Rosa and her cunning mind???


having already watched this, it was honestly so satisfying (and i'm sorry but i had to laugh) seeing your reactions getting mad at jimin, haneul and rosa bcs SAME 😂 also ugh my heart hurts all over again seeing minho realise he's been conned. maybe you missed it? but a few eps ago he sent that guy all the money saved for his noona's wedding that he had worked his fucking ass of at all those jobs for... and now the guys has bounced with all his money. so devestating


Oh snap! i definitely did not remember that he did that, aw man, that makes his expression at the end make soo much more sense now🥺… but also, i’m soo glad people share the same feelings about those 3 as me lolol


Never have I wanted to slap sense into someone as much as I wanted too with Jimin. LIKE AS MUCH AS I DON’T LIKE ROSA, JIMIN IS MAKING ME FEEL LESS BAD ABOUT HOW ROSA IS ACTING. Saying I’m irritated is an understatement. I’m livid.