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Hi everyone! Hope your New Years was great and is off to a good start! It's been suuuper nice to take things at a bit of a slower pace for the last few days- and though I promise that I'm scheduling some days off here and there for my rest month, I couldn't help but get straight into writing this next video because I'm so excited for it! Drumroll pleeeease....

The Horror of Anti-Piracy Screens!

Now this one's interesting. I originally started writing the video with the angle of generally covering anti-piracy measures in games and hopefully covering a few creepy ones that I remember (for context I was obsessed with anti-piracy as a kid and spent hours watching ~WatChMoJo ToP 10 CrAziesT AnTi PirAcy In GaMeS EvAr~ videos) However, I realised while researching that this topic has been covered pretty extensively and worried that I'd just be re-hashing old info... that is, until I stumbled upon a brand new angle to the topic!

I haven't looked up the topic of anti-piracy in many years, and since I was last invested in it, a strange community of horror artists and editors have cropped up, posting their own (very well edited) fake anti-piracy screens for various games. It started as a bit of a meme but seems to have very much grown into it's own art form over time, amassing a sizable community to boot. From the HYPERREALiSTIC BLOOD EYES CREEPYPASTA ONES AAAAH to the super subtle and SUPER creepy ones, this community is really fascinating and there's a lot to talk about. I'm not only covering the history of anti-piracy and the rise of the online horror community surrounding it, but hopefully analysing why exactly anti-piracy screens make us so afraid and make such good horror content.

Like I said, I'm trying to take this month as a bit of a rest so this video will likely be out in a week or over- I'm reeeeally looking forward to getting this one out, considering how much this topic interests me and how fun research has already been! So yeah, definitely keep an eye out! ;D As always, hope you guys are doing great and having a great start to your year- stay safe! :) <3



Yoooo this one is so so exciting!!! I remember my phase of being really weirdly interested and disturbed by these, used to look for any that I could find on YouTube.


Hi I’m a new patron! I just discovered your channel recently and I can’t wait for the new video! :D