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Hi everyone! Hope you've all been well- I'm just gonna get straight into it because I'm super excited to announce my upcoming video...


As a lot of you may know, I've actually been planning on doing this for a while (pretty much ever since I made my Warrior Cats video and realized people seem to enjoy me rambling on about random childhood nostalgia!) but I was very surprised to see that this is honestly my most requested video by far. I get requests pretty much every day asking me to cover this, so while I thought this would be another kind of random, niche topic, it turns out it's pretty damn popular! I'm super excited to talk about this game as not only does it hold a ton of nostalgia for me, but there's a lot of stuff to cover! From the scammers and hackers, to the weird adoption roleplays, to all of the drama surrounding the 'popular' users, alongside general reminiscing, there's a lot to get into! Super excited to share- since this is a deep dive and a bit of a longer video it should be out more towards the later end of the month.


I also wanted to update you guys quickly on my animated side project! I've nearly finished all of the character sheets and turnarounds for the entire pilot, and I'm currently in the middle of casting, with a few roles already picked out. I'm taking things pretty slow and not sharing anything publicly about this project since I want to make sure it's actually *in production* and presentable- I would hate to promise something and end up flaking! Honestly I probably won't be making it public until storyboards are fully finished, and since I'm working on this with my own time and money, progress will probably be pretty slow. However I thought I'd share a few liiiittle pieces of art here for you guys. Hope you enjoy :D

And a bonus unfinished dorky Vampire Dad :}


finn b

i can already tell that i'm going to love Omar, they look so cool! well all of them do but y'know

Hailey M

I already love Vampire Dad. Amazing dad outfit.