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Hot Springs:

  • 'THE FINALE!!!' ADDED, WITH 10 AREAS, 22+ ANIMATED SCENES + CUMSHOT CACOPHONY! (Includes every Mondstadt/Liyue/Inazuma girl you've unlocked)
  • Ending Sequence, Credits and Aftermath added
  • Kujou Sara added to Hotsprings
  • Talk to Sara (Tic-Tac-Toe) added
  • Attack Sara (Rude Awakening) added
  • Ei reworked w/ new Model and attack (the ol' one two) added
  • Keqing new Model and attack CG added
  • Fischl new Model and attack CG added


  • Message for the Shogun (Lift up 1) added
  • Message from the Shogun (Lift up 2) + Polaroid added

Mona's Cottage:

  • Mona Bunny Suit Outfit added
  • Talk to Mona Bunny Suit (Dodoco says...) added
  • Mona Bunny Suit ANIMATED Random Event (It's in my hair) added

Adventurer's Guild:

  • Add Ei to Hotsprings (See-Thru-Shard) reworked

Comfy Room:

  • Lumine static image replaced w/animation


  • 3 new Finale voice lines added
  • Dion's Bonus (13 unused images) added to Cauldron (after completion)
  • Prank List + Co-Op prank list GUI added, click on the Prank-o-Meter at any time to check your progress!
  • Renamed all Co-Op pranks
  • Added a notification whenever a girl's title changes
  • Selectable Main Screen added (after completion)
  • FAQ added to main menu (after completion)


  • Notifications fixed
  • Ei Footjob added to Man's Bonus
  • Pump Room music bug fixed
  • Hu Tao Outfit bug fixed


Ad astra abyssosque Travelers, one last time.

Well, that is it, Klee Prank Adventure is officially completed, and what a journey it's been!

I can honestly say I've worked harder on this project than anything else in my whole life, and it gives me bittersweet feelings to say that it's done and dusted. I've had so much fun making KPA, I feel like it's my baby, and it's sad that I won't be working on it again for a long time. However I'm also really excited to start on something new, and to start from scratch all over again now I have more game dev experience.

Will I make more content for KPA? Probably. I have a few concepts for other fangames I've been thinking about, as well as an original game that I've drafted a plan for, but after making some other stuff I hope to come back to KPA with some EPIC DLC featuring the girls from other regions. I'll go into more detail about this side of things in a future post, but for now let's talk a little about v1.16.

First things first, I was way too ambitious with the finale, I insisted on every scene being animated, with a lot of custom made animations, and it extended the development time beyond what I anticipated... BUT, the finale, the ending, the credits, I'm really happy with them all. I don't want to go into detail too much here but I think there's a little something for everyone in the finale, and I hope the ending/credits sequence fills you with emotion as much as it does for us too. :)

I had a great time making the little events that add Kujou Sara to the Hotsprings. It ties the whole Yae/Raiden/Sara arc together nicely, and I think it's a lot of fun. I'm also really glad I replaced the Ei model + her events, her hot spring attacks etc. She's super hot, and when I was a noob I didn't do her justice, I'm glad to say she looks WAY better now.

Okay, I think I'm going to cut my ramble there. Go and play v1.16!

Writing all this feels so final, but this is not the end, this is just the beginning and I intend to dedicate most my time over the next few years to making the best and lewdest H Games I can. Please continue to support me if you are able to, by the time the FINAL KPA release comes out with any last changes/bugfixes etc I will have a couple of proof of concept trailers ready for my next fangames, and we can decide what's gonna come next!

Finally, thank you all so much. KPA wouldn't exist without your support, together we have done something great, and no matter what happens I'll never forget it. 

Also thank you to my friend and fellow dev Mai, who has been a part of the team for well over a year now. If there's something in the game that needed at least a few brain cells to code... Mai probably made it! XD Without Mai there would have been no Cauldron, no Gallery, no HDP, no Polaroid weighting, no clickable main menu screens... You get the idea, so go and thank him on Discord because he is a legend!

Mai says: "I'm very happy to have contributed to a game I can proudly recommend to my friends. Thank you Mochi and all the fans of KPA for this beautiful opportunity."

That's all for now, please let me know what you think of v1.16, and expect a follow up post soon. 

- Mochi

PS: The new Mona random event is hot AF too  (˘ڡ˘) 

PPS: Follow me on twitter please https://twitter.com/PinkMochiDango



I have a question '^' Will you do a similar game but with Star Rail ? ÒwÓ Also, congratulation for your hard work I really loved played your game !! '^'


Congratulations!!! Really appreciate the hard work,, Love this game ALOT


Hey, I'm White Dragon frome Discord.


It's been a pleasure to follow this game. Jean is one of my favorite characters fromm genshin so the fact I can found a game about her it was lucky:)


Love the finale! It was *Chef's Kiss*. Only thing I wish could still be added: a log to look back at notifications. Sometimes had too many pop up at once and missed them


How do you feel about doing a game with a Futa Lumine as the protagonist?


There is a game like that but the creator hasn’t updated in a year.










VERY good finale! Great work! Looking forward to whatever else you have in store


When will the Chinese version be updated