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Hello you wonderful people, I'm still here grinding away. I feel like I can finally see the light at the end of the tunnel now, and I'm hoping to begin beta testing v1.16 in around 2 weeks time, (hopefully less).

I still have a load of dialogue and sound to do for the finale, but the renders are all done and implemented, the ending is complete and implemented, the credits are complete and implemented. I've still got Kujou Sara stuff to implement, and there's a load of extras I'm hoping to squeeze in before testing starts... But we're getting there.

I'm not gonna lie, this has been a difficult development cycle. I may have been too ambitious with the amount of visual/animated content in the finale, and I probably should have split it in half like I did with Kat co-op... But I'm nearly there! I'm gonna release v1.16 to patrons, then when public release comes round I'll have any bugs fixed, final adjustments made, and I'll make a nice title screen for the final release.

Will keep you updated as things go on, thank you for being so patient.

- Mochi


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