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Hello everyone,

It has been a while since the last devblog, so I have quite a lot to tell you all about.

So first off, I put out a poll last week to ask about if I should work on The Gain Trials or Fattening Career update 0.09 first. The Fattening Career update clearly won, so that is what I'll be working on now.
The Gain Trials does really benefit from some extra time for MarkJ94 to work on the dialogue so this really isn't a bad thing for the fans of The Gain Trials.

Now Fattening Career has had many changes since I originally started developing it, loads of changes were suggestions by you guys and others were because my opinions changed and I felt like I could do better.
Because of all these changes my design document didn't make too much sense anymore, so I have gone back and updated/revised most of it.
I have made a few decisions that go against what I previously had said, so I would like to talk about these.

I decided to no longer add Esmeralda to the game as character that gains weight. She will be a background character that appears when you visit her plus-size clothing store. Many of you might not know who Esmeralda is because she isn't in the game yet. But she is the owner of a plus-size store and her defining feature is the fact that she is really tall.
Now originally I promised to add her as the tall character, because Hari was polled to be short.
Instead I'll be running a poll to potentially make Vicky tall instead.
I decided to do this because I felt that the game was getting a bit too bloated with the amount of characters available, and I would like Esmeralda and her clothing shop to be a location that is visited during events, which would not be possible if her weight isn't static.

Second decision ties in with the poll about Vicky becoming a tall character. I felt like Vicky and Caroline their models weren't up to my standards anymore.(especially Caroline.)
I feel like if I ever want to change their looks, this is probably the last time I can do that.
So here are the proposed changes, which I'll poll in the coming days.
- Vicky will mostly keep her current look, potentially she gets to be the tall character in the game and her curves will be changed to be more future proof for clothing/collisions
- Caroline will get a complete rework, and I would like to see if people like the idea of gothification, where she will slowly get tattoos/piercings, dye her hair black and wears goth clothing. Her behavior will also change to more rebellious during the gothification process. I added 3 images of her potentially new model so you have some idea of what I'm going for.

Then lastly I decided to work more towards a beta state. I made a list of what still needs to be done to reach that state and the next updates will mainly check things off the list. What does this mean? This means that I'll be leaving the characters with developed stories alone for awhile, while the characters without story or with little story will get most of the focus.
When we reach the beta state, I can finally keep save files compatible between versions, which is something I get asked about a lot.
Mylenna and Rebecca are kinda special in this regard, they do not need to be worked on for the beta plans to work as they are unlocked later on.

So what are the plans for 0.09?
- I want to continue Hari's story up to stage 7(her max stage)
- I want to continue Cayenne's story up to stage 10
- More story for the Bunny Bites girls
- Add Amber to the gym
- Improved dialogue for repeatable scenes(more variation)
- Backstory and Achievement systems added to the game
- Britta milking event
- Different random streams and events for Leanne/Lyn

In the pictures I added a preview for the proposed new Caroline look, some images for a new mall location which is also where the plus-size clothing store is, new outfit for Lisa(her old outfit was weird) and an example of scene that happens when you enter the strip club. I am working on getting some extra images for some locations that you'll see when you enter to locations to make them feel more alive with people walking around.

Thank you all for supporting me and reading through this lengthy text dump,



Lodis Bloodmoon

Any thoughts on adding optional pregnancy to the game?

An It

Cool devlog 🤙


Everythng looks very promising! I would prefer a bimbofication over gothificaation, I mean Caroline would start the game as a goth girl and then, after she starts gaining weight, she becomes more bimbo. Anyways, great devlog!


tall vicky yes

Akeno Himejima

Just wanted to say, I just redownloaded the game the other day and have been having a lot of fun with everything thats been added so far ^^ I hope more content involving the hospital girls and Bonnie's rival will come soon :]


Hello everyone, I wanted to say that the game turned out very cool. I'm really looking forward to the release on Steam. This is one of the few games that is made with high quality and has an interesting story. There is also an idea that if at each stage, starting from the first, all the parameters of the girls and as they gained weight, these parameters increased, then at each stage, this progress could be traced. You can also take photos of this progress at each stage. It's like a before and after photo.


You know what, I think the game is great, but it needs to focus more on existing characters IMHO. I think stopping with Hari is fine and now start getting them to really large sizes, maybe aim for 30 stages per character ? With new events and such, but I think we're all eager to see where Bonnie, Luna or our favorite teacher are heading you know, not to mention Nathalie and Leanne/Lyn that are my personal favorites, I'd love to see them get big !


Would love some sexual scenes with Leanne. Shame you can only see her on stream with the end game


Wait, Hari isn't going to just stay at the current size now, is she? She's my favourite haha, I'd love to see her get bigger and bigger! Either way, love your work


None of the characters are at their maximum weight yet, so Hari will receive more stages and events in future updates.