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Every update i poll which characters are enjoyed most, this helps me make decisions on what content i should focus on.

This doesn't mean if everyone picks Bonnie I will only be making content for Bonnie.
But i would probably make more content like Bonnie her content.

Feel free to explain why you chose a particular character or if you had trouble choosing between multiple.



This is the best story game I have ever played, and it is even more for me than I could have anticipated. My favorite is definitely Daisy. The whole idea of her getting fatter in front of the entire class is very sexy to me, and the pool scene (which I cannot get to pop up again) is probably my favorite part of the entire game. I really hope you make more stages of fatness for her. It also feels right, since her entire idea is to get bigger in front of the class. Good job, man!


I love all the top heavy girls, I chose natalie cuz I also love lactation and the scene with her stuffed with the other test subjects was probably my favorite one so far. I hope to see alot more of the test subject girls in the future especially natalie with her milky situation.