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Hello everyone,

It's time for another update on the development of Fattening Career and everything surrounding it.

First off I want to thank everyone for the overwhelming support I have been getting, we broke 1000 patrons and are quite a bit beyond that now. I'm still in disbelieve that so many of you enjoy the game enough to support me. I'll do my best to keep making the game bigger and better. Because of this amazing support I'm now seriously considering leaving my job to work on the game full time.

Then I want to touch a bit on the Hari discussion that is ongoing with the last poll I posted. The poll is basically 50/50 split between short and tall right now, with good arguments for both sides. So I would like to assure both camps that I will do my best to make sure she looks just as good short as she does tall.(or the other way around)
And the poll made me realize that no matter what side wins, I will be making another character with the height that lost. This poll would thus be purely a vote for what you think looks better on Hari specifically. So with that said i would like everyone to look at the pictures i posted to reconsider if you want to see her short or tall.(you can change your vote in the poll) I will let the post run until the 31st of Jan.

After the last update I decided to take a bit of time to relax, clean up the project and experiment with some features I hadn't touched before. While experimenting I learned how to pretty much export any 3D model into my project, which means I'll have a lot more props, furniture and environments to choose from. I made friends with some other Virt-a-Mate creators so we can share assets and tips and tricks. And I found some ways to make better looking models, I can now make good looking fat arms, back fat rolls and better looking butts.

So you might ask what 0.06 will look like or when it releases.
I have a couple things planned for 0.06:
- A few more Daisy events(she is still lacking events for stage 14+)
- Full rework for Katrine, she looks different, has completely new dialogue and a complete story.
- Trista content/story, Trista and Katrine are sharing a lot of story together so it makes sense to put them in together.
- Luna story stage 8-11
- Leanne/Lyn story continued
- Amber Story
- Mylenne Introduction
- Improvements to UI

And I think i can release this update in late March/early April.

All the size discussion made me make a images with a cool size difference in both the height and width.

That's it for now, thanks again for all the support.




Just out of curiosity, are you planning on giving anymore stages to Luna?


Yes, but first i want to make her story go all the way up to her current stage. I believe i will get that done in 0.06.


Just let me know if you need more writers.