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Luna is the daughter and heir of a rich businessman while her mother was a former beauty pageant queen. Growing up she was also forced to be in child and teen beauty pageants by her parents, always forced to look a certain way and maintain a certain size. However she deeply resented this, not being allowed to eat any sweets or junk food or really anything she wanted. She also came to find that beauty came in many different body types and sizes and was not simply the ultra thin standards of the beauty pageant and fashion industry.

Indeed, it seemed that fat women were the ones that got to have all the fun, they got to eat whatever they wanted and to her they were more beautiful. Yet they were often ostracized or made fun of for their weight or told that their weight made them unhealthy.

Luna really wanted to change that, first of all, to make fatter people be more accepted and be considered more attractive as well as get rid of any potential health problems that they might have.

Upon the deaths of her parents, she inherited a huge fortune that she invested into buying a hospital with a research division to help women much more healthily gain weight as well as get rid of certain diseases.

When they heard of her research, members of the Followers of Heset contacted Luna wanting to know more and explained about their own goals. Luna soon then became quite eager to join them and became a strong and important member to them. She also met Daisy eventually, who was also curious about her research.

One thing she has been researching is how to replicate what was accomplished with the scientist in Japan who created a tablet that could be used to increase weight gain more rapidly without any seeming health downsides.

However her main project is to develop a drug that will allow women to distribute most of the gained fat into the breasts and as a side effect also eliminate quite a few different diseases.

Luna, while she can appreciate many different body types, as for herself she has always wanted to have absolutely massive breasts, the bigger the better, and she hopes that this new drug will allow her to get them.

With previous trials going well she decides to risk being the guinea pig in trying out the drug first herself to find out if it works properly. She does this first of all because she wants to be the one to monitor the progress first hand and be the one to have to deal with any potential adverse side effects before anyone else takes it, but also because she can’t resist impatiently wanting so badly to try it out herself.

This background story and the coming story for Luna in the game is made by the wonderful writer Fantasy1291
You can find more of their work here: https://www.deviantart.com/fantasy1291



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