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Hello everyone,

Its time for another update on the development of Fattening Career.

Many people have voiced concerns about repetitiveness and the fact that you can only do 1 thing per day besides school(which on some days feels forced to spend with the girl that is texting you).

To improve this situation i have changed to game to now have 3 actions per day, morning, afternoon and evening/night. This means you get to do 2 things after school on weekdays and you can do 3 things on weekends.

While this doesn't directly lessen the repetitiveness, it does increase the amount of other things you do in between the repetitive events.

Also some stuff will only be available in the evening and some stuff only happens in the morning. For example you can only visit the strip club in the evening.

I already did all the programming for this so i will be doing some testing soon on this together with some bunny bites stuff(these big codes changes create most bugs).

Then i did a overhaul on the programming for the Bunny Bites part, the implemented logic should make all characters visit more evenly(instead of the same character a lot of times) and it should make it so the same girl can't visit twice a day.

This also ties in with a new feature that allows you to choose a customer of the week, the customer of the week can be chosen once a week(obviously) and they will get to eat as much food as they can, with some encouragement. More details will follow on this.

Then i made some more rng snacking events for all the bunny bites coworkers. They will be snacking a lot more while working with them.

Another thing i spend a lot of time on these last weeks was finishing the rework of Daisy. I'm like 90% done reworking all her images and existing events.

While talking about reworking images, i started reworking Luna her sex scenes to include the new player character model and better quality overall. I will be making some animations as well.

I found an amazing writer who has experience writing breast expansion stories, they will be writing Luna her events. I already got the writing up to stage 5 and it looks amazing.

Bonnie her story will be continued in the next update up to stage 11. And i really want to nail down her visuals to set a benchmark for the quality you can expect in the future for the game. I will touch on this some more in the next devblog.

These are the things i have been directly working on the last weeks, right now my life is kinda busy so i can't put a lot more time into this devblog. I will keep you all up to date the coming weeks on the progress and i got some more images to share soon.

Thank you all for the amazing support!


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