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hi guys, it seems we are still having issues with infinite loading. I am trying to find every cause of it but it seems to be caused by different things for different people, so it is proving difficult to fix.

Sorry about the delay in the fix, I am trying to get it sorted out asap!



to be fair, I turned off script mods, and infinite loading issues persisted. it might just be the game and that damn hotfic




If you want to test to see if you still get the same issue without any mods in your mod folder, then I saw a twitter post from a SimGuru asking people to repair their games. So it is possible it could be the game itself but yeah RM is definitely having loading issues anyway :(


Thank you for working so hard to try and fix it though, the effort is deeply appreciated by all of us! 🥰

Amy Cleary

I was having infinite loading issues and I installed the old RM and it seems to be working.

Himanie Dubois

hello for me its all fine it loads fine but when ever I install your mod the sims' profile no longer work and they work fine when I remove the royalty mod

Chelsey Grandfield

I don't have the infinite loading issue however my royals no longer show their titles above their heads when you hover of them, have I done something wrong or is this a change that has been made?


Hi. I never had problems with infinite loading screen, but I can't see other sims' traits in acquaintances' menu. When I used "get to know" dialogue the game wouldn't let me interact with sims and objects for few seconds and then all sims on the lot were reset (last exception record was created). I checked my modes with 50/50 method and soon pointed out this mod as a culprit. In the end I removed all CCs, mods, saves and repaired the game. New game worked OK until I added your mod alone (problem with missing traits and resetting sims returned). Any suggestions?

Nikki Rai

I’m having the same issue as Darlana. My sims can’t get to know each other, always a last exception error created, so no learning other traits . Also wasn’t having this issue or infinite loading screens before the last update


the traits not showing up in the acquaintance menu is a known issue with old CAS traits that were originally made as 64bit, I have converted it to 32bit which will be released in the next update and should fix your issue :) the get to know issue most likely also stems from this


the traits not showing up in the acquaintance menu is a known issue with old CAS traits that were originally made as 64bit, I have converted it to 32bit which will be released in the next update and should fix your issue :) the get to know issue most likely also stems from this