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Hey everyone!

If you're not on my discord server then this is just an update on whats going on atm.
Some people are having an infinite loading issue, and I'm currently working with them to try and figure out whats going on, as it seems to be caused by different things for different people. I personally don't have the loading issue so it's hard for me to figure this out and is why it's taking a bit longer to sort out.

Obviously I need to fix this before continuing work on the Knights & Nobles update, but don't worry, the update is still going to come out :)
Thanks for your patience, I will keep you updated.


Emma Lee

is the correct update compatible with the recent patch? please


Hey! Sorry I didn't see this I sent you a message on tumblr because I can't find a link to the discord to ask you my question about my loading problem. I don't know anything about modding (like at all), but if I can make a stab at guessing... might it have something to do with the fact that the most recent EA update includes some additions to the CAS system? I'm having an infinite loading issue as well, but not until I click on a household to play (whether they have monarchs or not). Now it's doing it no matter what I try to fix (other than just taking out the Royalty mod, then the problem goes away), but at first it would only crash into infinite loading error AFTER I tried to change sims in the CAS interface. Just a thought, I hope you can find the problem we all love your content! and I want to be playing my royal families again soon!