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Welcome to the ranks of Nobility!

Please make sure to join the Discord if you'd like to stay in the loop with all my latest WIPs, contact me or my moderators more easily or simply just to make friends within a community who loves TS4!

Thank you so much for choosing to support me and my work. As I cannot currently work due to health issues, your support is greatly appreciated. 
Added: 2024-01
Welcome to a new Royal Partner!

Please make sure to join the Discord if you'd like to stay in the loop with all my latest WIPs, contact me or my moderators more easily or simply just to make friends within a community who loves TS4!

Thank you so much for choosing to support me and my work. As I cannot currently work due to health issues, your support is greatly appreciated.
Added: 2024-01
holy moly my good lad, ur an actual champ wtffff
Seriously, I hope u know how much this helps me out.
Thank you!
Added: 2023-07