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How's your Greek?




She's quite fine :V

Ian Knights

I'm going to do this gag before someone else does....

Ian Knights

How many Greek soldiers can she fit inside?

Shawn K. Younkin

Ohhhhh... I wish she kept some features of a horse face... but this looks amazing regardless!!


Poseidon was the also the god of horses, wonder if there's a connection...


will she, turn him into a horse? hummm....


How's my Greek? It's all to me! Wait....

Bud Chudley

Well, I do like gyros.


In Greek Myth, Nephele was a nymph that was created by Zeus to test the integrity of Ixion, king of the Lapiths. Ixion failed the test and slept with Nephele, who became pregnant and birthed Centauros, the progenitor of the centaurs.


Oh I do hope we get some anthro horse girl action in here. Jollyjack's horse ladies are very nice.

David Rudisill

Gyros, baklava, spanokopita, dolmates.


Given the title, one must assume that he becomes a stallion, but the question remains, will she also turn into a horse or just him? Personally, I would like to see just some male transformation, we rarely get that. Well, except for that Dragon Apsara, but that hasn't been posted yet, has it? :o


Delphi, Pythos... Oh wait, we were talking horses weren't we.