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What genre should I play with (at least as a starting point for Apsara madness)?



A;l I know is I think it should involve giantesses


Would not say no to another Fairy Study~

Brian Logan

I vote supernatural with the hopes that we get some Vanity goodness!


As long a we get more super muscular, super adorable kitty girls and werewolves I'll be happy.


Espionage seems really uncommon and feels like it would lend itself to some great sneaky/stealth sex scenes. If it doesn't win, here, I hope you find a use for it in the future.


Definitely the appetizer should be super-adorable, super-sexy cat-girls. The soup should be a sci-fi supernatural espionage romp. The main course should be super-muscular, super sexy action. The dessert should be awesome, clothing-destroying sex. And, the cheese and coffee MOST certainly should be a much sweeter and much more...erotic final sexual encounter.


Tho, a fantasy espionage romp, especially if we can have cat-girls, were-elves, and limber muscular erotic action would be neat.


Been a while since we've seen an espionage comic...though right now, another Agents of Bast would be very cool.


Over yes, Fantasy Espionage. Person X has to infiltrate sorcerer/sorceress’s castle...shenanigans happen, lots of growth

Drakin Kovar

As long as it's all anthro (no humans) and involves extreme growth (preferably not muscle related, but whatever) I'll be excited.


I'm always hoping to some follow ups to ones I thought were going to have sequels. Like Gecko Girl, Trip, or the biggest one I've been waiting for, Bunnies Pt 1.


Espionage is nice and uncommon, both in your history (although I know you've done it a bit) and in most furry works! That would be great. I'm sure you'd knock it out of the park.

Savage Shark

Im always a sucker for Sci fi myself. But also what if you combined Sci Fi with the Super Natural?


I kind of feel espionage is something we don’t see much of from you, would be fun to see what you do with it


My vote - buff female barbarian invades sorceress lair, gets captured and experimented upon...


I'm down with almost anything. Would be nice to take a break from muscle growth for once though. Would like to see more fetish based stuff like boobjobs or bondage.

Mr Ru

Fantasy could be a hot girl at a DnD session who keeps turning the scenes horny. Much to the awkwardness of the stereotype nerd guys.


Speaking of Apsara comics, what ever happened to the Biobot idea that was teased a while back? https://www.patreon.com/posts/biobot-sneak-1-33013960

Tom Sketchit

This didn't show up in my feed for some reason. Glad I caught it.


One of a number of projects that got put to one side at the start of 2020 because of technical issues and the Lulu debacle. I'll be returning to them all, eventually.


Wouldn't mind a follow up to an oldie but goody: Kitty Cupboard. Just a thought.


You SFW fantasy stuff is always pretty fun, it would be neat if we could get that kind of energy in a more adult kind of way, maybe a crossover of some kind?

Spess Mahren

Is dragon time still shelved? I remember you saying your were close to finishing it when lulu exploded.

The Insane Hiker

I'm going to have to go with espionage, you rarely dip into that genre and there are a lot of possibilities. Granted I am tempted to vote sci-fi to see if we could get a follow-up to your Alien Parody "Bunnies".


Your art style is a good fit for an espionage/noire comic. Especially when you go a bit heavier with the inking.