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With this new year, here is a fresh new link to the DropBox folder where all Kidnapper and higher tier exclusives will be uploaded. The reason for doing this is to avoid piracy by leaker sites like Kemono Party. The comment below will contain the link to this DropBox folder, and will change every so often. It's already started with January's exclusive, nyehehe!

As usual, bounties and other sketches will not be used in DropBox, and will instead be posted here for all Patrons 



Can't download?


Awesome dropbox, love the rope work on all the ladies


I'm sorry, does the link take you to an empty folder, or are you able to use it at all? It's not a hyperlink, so you'll need to copy and paste it into the url

Stowaway Mini

It’s asking me for a request to see the folder


its giving me a 404


It's working fine on my end, so I'm not sure what trouble you could be running into. Make sure you're copying the entire url


Is it possible for you to shrink/move the patreon link on the Lucy pictures so they don't obscure her feet?

Bryan Holland

Well I hope that you're having a great time and your artstyle is getting a lot better so what've you've been upto recently?


The link in the comment updates periodically so that people can't save the link after unpledging. Copy and paste the current link and it should take you there, rather than using a link that's been saved a while ago.


Ok, I found the problem and everything should be restored. Really sorry, I'll have to put up a new link to hopefully not allow this again.


Is it fixed? It says I don't have access to the link


If you copy and paste the current link, you should be able to go into a view-only folder with all the year's packs


Link isn’t working, I just keep getting an error message


Link isn’t working, I just keep getting an error message


The link isn't working for me; all I see is a pug and a empty bowl with the text "That didn't work for some reason".


Really sorry about that. There may have been an error as I was trying to make a new link. The comment has been updated so please try the current link posted.

BoundLightning (edited)

Comment edits

2023-02-11 11:55:53 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5m3enn0tmfsfnkm67gtk7/h?rlkey=bevzeqwvu2ocvhghbhtzstmvv&dl=0
2023-02-11 11:55:53 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/dwvmze16jdhd7furjbvjl/h?dl=0&rlkey=k1gp42aspdx80jki7end03dbs
2023-02-11 11:55:53 https://www.dropbox.com/sh/fp7gjv9dl043glj/AACwSw_lNGhRpdc-Fn_wTnD1a?dl=0
2023-01-19 20:24:03 https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fo/5m3enn0tmfsfnkm67gtk7/h?rlkey=qb1g2ytmy5syiz4buzn4lduqw&dl=0
