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Hi! I'm alive! And have been working on a thing! I attempted to work on several things, actually, thinking that it might be good to build up confidence/shake off rust on stuff that wasn't DQ - but while I saw some success (you might see a new series soon) I couldn't seem to focus on anything else for long. (Seriously, I have a chapter of said series set for editing, but my brain was all DQ all the time.)

Now, you might notice that this is listed as both chapter 14, and a repeat of chapter 13.5 - there’s a reason for that! See, I came up with a bunch of plans while I was burned out, and trying to figure what direction I wanted to take the story. Then I threw away all those plans and started over, because trying to make plans while burned out, without having read my own work over in the longest time, was an absolutely terrible idea. (Seriously. Things almost got dark. Or… Well, darker than I want. I prefer comedy and drama in balance, and that wasn’t it.)

All that said, though, this interlude shifted from plot relevant to plot crucial in both iterations of my plans. It’s undergone a lot of changes, too, so it’s basically a whole new chapter that happens to share a couple of the same notes.

With all that said, I'm going to fight past my nerves - it's been a long time, and I don't usually share this stuff in this rough a state, but again it's been a long time, and *internal screaming intensifies* - and post the story in three formats today! I'll be putting it in PDF format, as usual, but also linking to a google doc (for anyone who has comments. Or just wants to view it there. Trying something new, I guess?) and posting it on my site.

Hopefully one of the above works for everyone here, but if someone wants me to add another option, they should feel free to ask below.



If anyone wants to read the story through from the beginning, I'd recommend heading over to ScribbleHub: https://www.scribblehub.com/series/218849/demon-queened/

(As much as I love my own site, ScirbbleHub has built in navigation between chapters.)



I'd rather wait for a more polished version before reading it, but I'm very glad to see progress being made!


Would you please post a link here for the best site to read the whole story from the beginning on?


I'd recommend ScribbleHub - https://www.scribblehub.com/series/218849/demon-queened/ I edited it into the main post as well, in case others are interested.

Casey McLeod

It was rather good for a rough draft. I don’t see much changing needed


Thanks! I'm pretty happy with it, in terms of the content and how it progresses the story - mostly just slight edits there. But a big part of why I've been rereading my past work is to try and reconnect with the characters, and I feel like I can do better at capturing Abigail's voice, if that makes any sense?