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First, I want to say sorry to everyone for falling silent so long. I kept wanting to produce something new, to have something good to report, but it hasn't happened yet and it's long past time for me to talk about it.

Basically, my mental health has been taking a beating. I got through my initial burnout, only to run into new issues after having spent too long without writing, which turned into big confidence issues, which I sort of maybe figured out how to deal with - only to get hit by bad brain depression in a big way. I've had a couple med changes since, and things are slowly but surely improving on that front?

So that's good-ish, but. There's a bit of a complication? >,> The medical supplier that handles all the pharmacy in my area has been out of my estrogen shots. I've been trying to get ahold of some alternative - get the brand name instead of generics, get switched to tablets, literally anything - but lines got a bit crossed between doctors and pharmacy and insurance, and... Yeah. It's been a couple weeks since I had the full dose in my system, and they're still sorting things out.

It's also maybe made somewhat worse by me being a post-SRS trans girl who doesn't produce estrogen or testosterone in any meaningful quantities at this point. So, yeah, I'm pretty much running on empty right now.

The good news is that the antidepressants really are having more of an affect, and I got ahold of someone who's making an active point of coordinating between everyone at my clinic, my pharmacy, and my insurance company, so. I'm hoping for improvements in the near future? And I have an idea or two I've already started writing, but which I'll hopefully be able to do a much better job of producing in the near future.

Sorry again for the radiosilence, and thank you, everyone, for sticking with me so long. I'll try and get something ready for reading as soon as I can 



I hope you can get that all sorted soon, that sounds really rough. Wish you all the best. 💜


I'm sorry you've had to deal with all this and hope you'll be back up at 100% soon. You've written some of my favorite stories!

Casey McLeod

Take all the time you need, I for one will wait for as long as it takes for your work. As someone who also has had trouble with there pharmacy getting there meds I know kinda what your going through.