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Here's the news I'd prefer not to have to deliver. Short version for those who don't have time to listen to the audio: There's going to be a hiatus on new U&F production.

I need to go back and revise and re-edit U&F Underground before I can go forward with any new episodes in the U&F saga. I then need to re-edit the Underground podcasts so the audio matches the new text. Then I re-post the whole thing here at Patreon.

Then the hiatus continues as I write the remaining Underwood and Flinch volumes, Legion, and Still of the Night, and once they're done, I resume podcasting.

Blimey! Says you. That's likely going to be a long hiatus. Yes, it is. I may only write Legion to fullness before resuming podcasting, but ideally I'd do both books as they're intertwined. We'll see. The plan is flexible.

There will be an episode of U&F Legion later this month, but that will be the last one for a while.

I explain in more detail, plus give other news, in the podcast, so do give it a listen.



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