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Hi Peeps.

So I’ve some bad news / good news. I’ll give you the bad news first. 

For reasons that I detail below, I have had to instigate a short writing hiatus, so there won’t be a second U&F episode this month as I’d hoped. Sorry about that, but I’ve a good reason - and that’s the good news.

I’m not sitting here with my feet up, my friends, oh no. Since I posted Episode 4 of Still of the Night I’ve been working every day on the creation of the audiobook version of the original U&F novel.

It’s a big, fiddly, time-devouring job. So much so that I’ve been putting this job off since 2012 because I - a) couldn’t face into it, b) knew the job would take ages, and that to do it properly would halt all work on anything else I was doing, and c) up until now I didn’t see it as necessary because, after all, the podcast is out there.

However, now, I really have to do it; there’s no more kicking it down the road and telling myself I’ll do it eventually. Why? Because sometime in the not-too-distant future, there’s going to be a studio announcement about the U&F TV series in the Hollywood trade press.

It’ll just be a notice to say that the companies involved are in the earliest stages of developing it, but when that happens, there’s going to be a surge of interest in the book / podcast, largely because of the people involved in the show (and I still can’t say anything about that). So I need to be ready for that surge, because it won’t last long. It’s like I’m a surfer, paddling offshore, waiting for a once-in-a-lifetime wave to come in. And to catch that wave, I have to get U&F on Audible, ASAP, because many of those whose attention the story attracts will want to check it out in audiobook format. I’ll have their interest for a few seconds - as long as it takes them to click the link to my website. If the Audible link is there, I may have a new listener, but if it’s not, I’ll probably lose them.

And so, that’s why at the moment I’m working all day, every day, on polishing up the old podcast audio, removing all the music, re-recording scenes that currently have bed music under them, and so forth, to make U&F an audiobook that will pass Audible’s quality control hurdles first time.

I’ll then have to do the same with Blood and Smoke, but that should hopefully be a faster process because I didn’t use any bed music on that recording.

Then, once I have both books up on Audible and all the other audiobook marketplaces, I’ll resume writing new U&F and podcast production. I’m almost done with the first book and hope to have it submitted to Audible and the other stores this week. Blood and Smoke should be quicker, and I’m hopeful that it’ll be done by the middle of October. And then we’ll be back to business as usual. 

So, that’s what’s going on.

I apologise for the disappointment I know this news will bring, but sometimes I just have to do other work related to getting U&F out to the wider world, and now is one of those times.

Thank you, as always, for your continued support and patronage, which makes all U&F - not just the new chapters, but now also the availability of the saga on audiobook platforms - possible. Without you guys, the saga would have stopped half-way through the writing of Blood and Smoke, and none of this - any of it - would be happening.

You are the wind beneath my leathery bat-like wings, and I thank you.



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