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The Minimalists speak with Ryan Blaser, founder of TestMyHome.com, about the best tests to uncover in-home toxins, including mold, EMFs, WiFi, Bluetooth, blue light, chemicals in water, and other invisible clutter in our homes—as well as harmful household products (deodorant, makeup, perfumes, scented air fresheners, cleaning products), toxic cell tower radiation, the downsides of working third shift, the pros and cons of earthing, and much more.

Discussed in this episode:

What are the most surprising sources of indoor toxins? (03:06)

Are cell phones toxic? (32:00)

What’s the best way to filter my water? (44:44)

How can I protect my skin from hidden toxins? (50:05)

What are VOCs and off-gassing? (01:02:39)

Are claims about indoor toxins backed by science? (01:18:22)

What hidden toxins did Ryan Blaser find in Joshua’s home? (01:40:17)

How does Dr. Jack Kruse keep his home free of blue light? (02:30:09)

What benefits has Joshua received from grounding? (02:33:00)


Added Value: Aranet4 CO2 Monitor

Added Value: Block Blue Light

Added Value: Echo RO Water Filter

Added Value: Grounding Patches

Added Value: Jaspr Air Filters

Added Value: Safe Living EMF Meter

App: Skin Deep

App: Think Dirty

Article: The Effects of Grounding

Podcast: Earthing

Subscribe: The Minimalists' Newsletter

Tour: The Everything Tour

Website: Bio Initiative Report

Website: Earthing.com

Website: Environmental Health Trust

Website: EWG.org/tapwater

Website: NIOSH

Website: MapRad.io

Website: OSHA

Website: TestMyHome.com


Every pleasure has a poisonous dose.

If it is harmful, it is not essential.

Hidden clutter is the most dangerous clutter.

Skepticism can be useful, but cynicism is a solution that always makes the problem worse.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter




Loved this episode. It was also the one that made me a Patreon supporter and I’m thankful! Any suggestions on alarm clocks if we’re turning our power off (and our cells) I want to try this but I get up early for work.

Ariel G.

As a dissenting voice regarding EMF: There is a certain level of irony that your guest Ryan was critiquing Musk when he himself would stand to benefit from people believing that electromagnetic radiation from non-ionizing sources would be harmful (buying his service). Given that one is a billionaire and one is not, I’d say the financial motivation is far stronger with your guest. And this comes from someone who definitely isn’t stanning Musk. I feel there was a missed opportunity at 34:53 to explain to the audience what the difference between ionizing and non-ionizing radiation is and to provide more balanced proof of the claim that non-ionizing radiation is harmful. For example, I’d expect to see a lot more research on linemen suffering from life long exposure to power lines due to non ionizing exposure of the power lines, yet by and large their fatalities are from falling, lack of PPE… they also have higher risk of skin cancer from unprotected exposure to the suns radiation, which is ionizing radiation. The Bioinitiative Report mentioned is very controversial and considered to be very suspect in the scientific field. For more info: https://sciencebasedmedicine.org/picking-cherries-in-science-the-bio-initiative-report/ just to start While I can appreciate the diversity of opinions on your podcast, I do encourage listeners to think critically about claims that can veer into pseudoscience. Otherwise, I enjoyed the discussion. I know you stand by providing a platform for different perspectives and anecdotal evidence, but impartial evidence based research is important to balance out that platform and I hope to see that in future podcast episodes.