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The Minimalists speak with psychologist Dr. John Delony about finding peace in difficult times, dealing with heartbreak, aligning our consumption with our values, choosing to be vulnerable, finding the energy to start letting go, severing relationships that no longer serve us, and more.

Discussed in this episode:

How can I learn to be at peace with myself? (02:29)

How can I get back custody of my children? (12:28)

How do I let go of heartbreak? (22:13)

How can we consume intentionally within our values? (31:14)

How can we vet the people with whom we chose to be vulnerable? (42:13)

How do I muster enough energy to start letting go? (47:40)

Should we let go of people who no longer serve us? (56:06)

Why do The Minimalists post to social media? (01:02:58)

What if peace isn’t our natural state? (01:09:41)

How do you maintain a minimalist lifestyle when you have a lot to prioritize? (01:15:50)

Why does Dr. Delony let his wife call all the shots? (01:18:15)

What are the six daily choices we can make to eliminate anxiety? (01:36:50)

When grounding, is it normal to feel worse before you feel better? (01:54:45)


Added Value: Jessie Murph, “What Happened to Ryan”

Book: Building a Non-Anxious Life

Book: Earthing

Book: The Mother Earth Effect

Event: Julio Vincent Gambuto

Podcast: Decluttering the Gut

Podcast: Food Clutter

Podcast: Minimize Fat

Watch: The Dr. John Delony Show

Website: Earthing.com

Subscribe: The Minimalists' Newsletter


Peace exists only in the NOW, never in the past or future

The difficult times shape the contours of a meaningful life.

Our preferences shape the stories we tell ourselves; the stories we tell ourselves shape our preferences going forward.

If you agree with someone totally, you lack your own point of view.

Many nice people are not kind people.

Success is not measured by your achievements; it is measured by your freedom.

It is possible to let go of someone and still love them from a distance.

Letting go is loving; clinging is unloving.

You don’t have to demonize to declutter.

Scrolling is the new smoking.

Clinging requires more energy than letting go.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter




What episode number is Earthing? I’d like to re-listen please.


This morning, at 430am, I woke up and could not go back to sleep. After about 1.5 hrs of tossing and turning I decided to just get up and I started listening to this episode. About half way through I started thinking, “how ironic that I would listen to this episode on this day when I did not get good sleep“. What is also different, is I normally do not listen in the morning when I wake up, but in the car usually. Thanks for the episode, it added a lot personal insight for me. And apparently the universe felt I really needed to hear it, because clearly, my body is trying to tell me something needs work :)

Laura T

I always enjoy hearing what Dr Delony has to say. Also, only 1 more month until the Christmas music comes on!!!! At least it will be on Sirius XM. I know TK will like that if he has Sirius.

Paul Weymouth

I know I’ve been listening for awhile when Josh says his daughter is 10 and has a “boyfriend.” I am shocked because I remember him talking about his 2 year old toddler.


I just received my copy of this book this week!