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The Minimalists speak with YouTuber Destiny about a host of controversial topics, including extreme hoarding, opinions, objective morality, taxation, God, abortion, video games, minimum wage, big pharma, transgenderism and LGBTQ rights, the death penalty, and much, much more.

Discussed in this episode:

How can we set boundaries with the hoarders in our lives? (02:49)

What’s the point of having controversial debates? (13:34)

Is morality objective or relative? (21:25)

Is taxation theft? (28:58)

Does Destiny have any controversial dating advice? (47:30)

Is it wrong to have a TikTok account? (56:35)

What do you tell someone whose mind has been influenced by red-pill ideology? And why do people believe in conspiracy theories? (01:10:11)

What’s the ideal minimum wage for Americans? (01:38:10)

What are the positive and negative effects of playing video games? (01:51:56)

Is transgender ideology ripping families apart? (02:00:14)

Why are we as a society still debating when life begins and ends? (02:20:27)

Why does congress ban books but not guns? (02:37:50)

Why is medicine so outrageously expensive? (02:53:14)


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Watch: Destiny

Website: Destiny.gg


Sometimes the best way to love someone is from a distance.

It is possible to love someone without liking everything about them.

An ounce of conflict poisons an ocean of peace.

The brutal truth is often offensive, but a kind lie is more offensive.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Paul Weymouth

Interesting! I’m looking forward to seeing how TK and Destiny interact because they are such different communicators.


Never heard of "Destiny" before. TK made this podcast tolerable, the half that I sat through. I found "Destiny's" thinking processes and arguments mostly weak and often tedious.


Never heard of "TK" before. Destiny made this podcast tolerable, the half that I sat through. I found "TK's" thinking processes and arguments mostly weak and often tedious.

Devin Nielson

Must of the podcasts that destiny goes on end up being very surface level in regards to his political philosophy and life. So happy to see an instance where he got the chance to dig into things more deeply with very thoughtful people. Great show!

Erick Muller

This was 3 hours but I already crave more of TK and Destiny going back and forth.


You're the exact kind of person they were appealing to be not be tribal, be more open minded and principled in the episode. Hope you took away more than what you implied here.


I was just illustrating that comments like the one Julie444 made are non-specific, require very little regard for the creators themselves and convey nothing more than their prior conviction about Destiny or TK. I liked TK in the discussion; their back and forth with Destiny over the abortion issue and the moral subjectivity of our judgement was very engaging to listen to. I am not expecting every community and The minimalist community to engage with content as DGG does, but at least if they want to insult someone, put some work into it. dggL

Jessica Gonzalez

Amazing conversation, I loved this episode!


the debate between tk and dynasty was fascinating. tk's ability to help us visualize the minumum wage issue in a creative way (eg: the tv sale) was very well thought-out.

Sara Hutchins

I haven’t listened yet, but I don’t see anywhere in the show notes that Ryan was on to talk about Burning Man. Future episode - did he attend, did he get stuck, how did his miminalist mindset help through that situation?


I'm coming over from Destiny's side, and decided to pay 10 dollars to see the rest of the podcast after seeing the YouTube portion, and wow, that was great! I really liked when TK talked about loving people and getting their perspective in regards to the trans child question (from about 2:12 to 2:15). I'm thinking of staying subscribed.

Sean Emery

Hi Minimalists. I subbed to see the rest of this convo with Destiny. I watch his content frequently. I was so impressed with the conversation from all sides of these issues. Unfortunately, there wasn't enough time to do more than scratch the surface of so many topics. I look forward to some deep dives in the future. Let me just say that TK is impressive as a thinker and clearly spoken communicator. I'm sure we disagree on things, but it's so important to me to understand *why* we disagree and does that reflect some fault in my logic or underlying beliefs. Please keep this going.

Nancy Keep

I really enjoyed hearing much more from TK than we have in the last few weeks. He continues to impress! Thank you for all the entire Minimalists Team does.

Anonymous Profile

Great conversation. I came from Destiny's community and just discovered the podcast now. Although I used a free trial and probably won't buy a subscription (since I'm a broke college student), I subscribed to the channel because I was impressed with the nuance and depth that TK's arguments provided. I would love to hear more, thanks (I might actually consider subscribing after graduating and getting a job)!

Shawn Mihalik

We'll be recording a conversation with Ryan about Burning Man for episode 413.

thomas .

Never heard of you guys before but decided to check you out because Destiny spoke so highly of you. Wow, impressed. TK in particular came across as a very lucid thinker and debater. Looking forward to more!

David Sowsy

When TK and Destiny were chatting about taxation is theft and speaking about "owning cows and someone comes along and steals the milk", I was highly amused. As someone who leans ancap as well as vegan, hearing TK use the usual argument of violence of the the state to collect the tax, i feel this particular argument is flawed because it neglects the violence behind the acts that precede it: the cow did not consent to being enslaved (ownership) exploited, or forcibly impregnated to make the milk. There's a lot more violence in the "theft of milk" than the example brought presented. Just my 2c. This was a great episode!


Joined for the blue hair person with a black stripper name and I was not disapointed.

Louise Chappelle Nabers

Wow!! What an incredible and enlightening discussion! I was in tears at the end hearing Josh’s wrap up, and cheering TK for his wisdom & insight. Although I had never heard of Destiny, he added so much to the discussion too!! I appreciated the respect for differing opinions & the humor, and I always love Malabama’s cute laugh 😂 As I get older, I realize there are often more questions than answers, and that’s ok🥰 You guys are simply the best!!

Bobby TuPisto

Didn't even feel like 3 hours, what a great episode (ignore the thicc Mr. Potato head)


Man. TK, I’m either shouting AMEN in agreement or you’re opening my eyes to new things. Great episode, y’all. And TK, you truly are an added value. Much love! 💜

jordan aldridge

It's great to have a woman's perspective on these difficult topics. Kudos to all.

Chris Wileman

What is really refreshing about this episode is how grown-up, mature adults can have a debate in which the participants are clearly in different thought camps and yet don’t descend into a tribal yelling match of accusations, slander and scolding! Incredible episode, guys, thanks so much!

Sterlyn Agnar

holy this flew by so fast, cant wait for more <3

Nancy S. Charney

Have only gotten to the Virtual Signalling topic. Had NO IDEA about the Black Lives Matter yard sign to prevent mayhem and distruction when riots happen. As TK said to use the sign as a"fire insurance thing". Or as JFM said, "Would You Please Come Here Last" sign. Do you guys know of people who do this? I don't. I will now look at homes with those yard signs in a whole other light.


when you see and feel a friend going down a dangerous rabbit hole, what do you do? love is to not turn away. love is mindful listening. love is to ask questions. love is to stay curious. love is being multi-perspective. love is to keep looking for common ground. love is communicating without violence. love is persistently asking for facts and evidence. love is finding the truth together. love is not claiming the path of wisdom for yourself. love is more discourse than argument. love is to accept a different view. love is to say that you still worry. love is leaving a doorway open, so that the light can shine through. all this also applies to the case that you yourself are this friend, that is to your inner dialog.

Melissa Fortino

I really enjoyed this conversation and look forward to having Destiny on the podcast again. This was my first time being introduced to him, and really enjoyed hearing his viewpoints. I have found myself deep diving into his YouTube the past couple of days. I am also happy to see people from his community coming here to Patreon and hope they stay! As a long time listener, I am so grateful to have T.K. on the podcast. He adds so much value, and is able to beautifully articulate all of his viewpoints in a kind way. Side note: I am unable to enjoy any other podcast, as the production quality cannot compare to the minimalists. As Josh would say, “Brava”! Thank you to each of you for all that you do, and for all that you pour into this community for your listeners. You add so much value to all of our lives.


Think this group conversation is one of the healthiest I have ever heard over “controversial” topics. I was extremely skeptical at the start of my listening experience because I come to this corner of the internet to get AWAY from political noise since most of it is quite exhausting for me to listen (mostly because it usually turns into adults bickering back and forth)-but you got me guys, you got me. This was not that, it was very interesting and thought provoking in subjects I usually tend to shutdown on listening about (for a plethora of reasons). Thanks for sharing

Thaila Lagunero

I had to watch this in a few timed chunks because I wanted to give it my full attention and focus...so worth it! If only the national or even world news outlets could schedule and share discussions like this I think it would level up our society and promote critical thinking, respect, empathy and an overall sense of unity. I did not see a chasm open up between Destiny and TK, I did not feel the typical "Us versus Them" divisiveness. Instead I did feel a sense of unity and connectedness through their disagreements and way in which they communicated their beliefs and reasons behind them. It has given me hope that maybe this is something that can grow and be done on a larger, national and global scale. I now have a new mantra whenever I have conversations to "stay curious" and seek to know more about the other person. Big mahalo for all the light that you folks continue to spread and share in this world of ours.


TK was great! Does Destiny actually believe in everything he is saying or is he just debating the issues, particularly the question about taxation and referencing about kids helping out with chores. Children helping out with chores helps build their character. Destiny drove me nuts on his answer 🙄🙃

Amber Bayer

I loved this conversation. The thoughtful responses to questions and each other shows not only the maturity, but also, the respect you all have for each other. I value good conversations and hearing opposing views. As Destiny said (not verbatim), “our people” tend to lean more towards us than away from us; no matter how much we believe we think vastly different. Thank you everyone for a great show.


Easier said than done regarding voicing differences. I keep my opinions to myself especially regarding politics. Lately people are so judgmental I notice they retaliate at work or when you hire someone to provide services & they actually bring up their political view and ask for yours., etc. it’s like they make you pay for whatever side of the fence you’re on.