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The Minimalists talk about managing guilt and disappointment when saying "no," natural remedies for anxiety, the difference between being intentional and seeking pleasure, why misery exists in every relationship, and more!

Discussed in this episode:

How do I manage the guilt I feel when I must refuse the requests of others for my assistance? (02:12)

Why is it so difficult to say "no" in the moment? (05:34)

Is it selfish to expect adequate compensation for my time and expertise? (11:57)

What practices have you found helpful for maintaining peace of mind despite the intermittent chaotic onslaught of OCD? (13:51)

How do we remain fiercely intentional even when it’s not pleasurable? (21:11)

How do we determine our ‘enough’? (27:56)

How does misery exist in all relationships? (31:48)

How do we become more diplomatic in our interpersonal communication? (41:30)

How important is it to clarify our outcomes? (49:37)

Segment: Lightning Round (50:45)

How do I appropriately manage the anger I feel toward the transgressions of others? (51:26)

Listener comments and minimalism tips. (57:18)

How can anger be productive? (58:57)

Segment: More About Less (1:07:10)

How do we have a healthy dose of obsession and devotion in our lives? (1:08:38)

Segment: Talkaboutables (1:16:36)

How is capitalism misrepresented? (1:18:36)

What are the three attributes of positive capitalism/voluntaryism? (1:20:56)

Why do you consider “consult your doctor” cowardly advice? (1:28:02)

Who have you found that supports not using sunscreen? (1:31:12)

What is your perspective regarding introversion? (1:40:05)

What has been your experience with unschooling? (1:46:41)

Segment: Amass It or Trash It (1:49:57)

Segment: Obsolete Objects (1:55:55)

Segment: Advertisements Suck (2:00:06)

Segment: Photo Friday Home Tour (2:05:46)

How do we tactfully decline the requests of loved ones? (2:10:16)

Segment: Right Here, Right Now (2:15:38)

Segment: Added Value (2:16:44)


Added Value: “Waving a White Flag”

App: Neurocycle

App: Reading Eggs

Book: Anything You Want

Book: Everything That Remains

Book: Hell Yeah or No

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: The Pale King

Decor: Girard Environmental Enrichment Panels

Essay: Food Is Not Entertainment

Event: Sunday Symposium

Instagram: Humans of Capitalism

Podcast: Angry

Podcast: How to Write Better

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Twitter: Sam Parr


To be happy, stop saying “yes” to the things that make you miserable.

What if your weakness was actually your superpower?

Letting go of desire also involves letting go of the desire to let go.

Misery and joy are preexisting conditions.

Feelings are better witnessed than displayed.

Mo’ expectations, mo’ emotions.

Radical inclusion requires complete acceptance.

Feelings are not to be conquered but engaged with imagination.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Podcast Shawn

Social Jess

Jordan Know Moore

Emma the Immigrant

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Kath Goodwin

What gets me is when they recommend people working indoors at office jobs wear sunscreen in their foundation. It is all just non sensical. I have said for years that a lot of these horrible chemicals are just not good for you. Same as diet or sugar free drinks. Ugh, chemicals! I took Ryan's recommendation to talk to a doctor to be the standard thing online, you need to have a disclaimer so people don't come after you. I recently did not do what my doctor wanted, due to several things like Josh has said, and it felt good to make my own choice. Some around me were upset that I wasn't putting myself through a huge stress event just because the doctor wanted to cover their butt. I did earthing / grounding and several other things and I am feeling better for it. You and your guests have added value to my life by encouraging thought of my own instincts instead of blindly obeying when it felt wrong. Thanks guys.

Ricardo C Pinzon Jr

Good afternoon and season's greetings! I seem to be in continual "catch up" mode with the podcasts, but I will not delete them. There are so many thought provoking pieces to digest. Loved the "Value Added" music! See you guys in 2023!! Continued success, Team!!