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Patreon Exclusive. Joshua and Ryan talk about lessons from their 30 years of friendship, as well as some of their failures from the past decade, and they answer the following questions:

When did you launch your website? (04:06)

What’s the harm in occasionally breaking the rules? (08:19)

Were there items you ever saved for special occasions? (14:43)

What are some of your personal failures over the past eleven years? (35:40)

How do you define “happiness”? (40:05)

Why do many people seek out chaos? (41:08)

What is the problem with happiness? (43:32)

What have been the best and worst parts of your friendship? (1:02:22)

What is your opinion regarding cloud storage and digital photography? (1:09:29)

Outside of minimizing physical stuff, what have you learned about minimizing the internal elements of life, like stress, depression, worry? (1:15:32)

Why is worry pointless? (1:15:53)

What are the two types of fear? (1:16:32)

Reflecting on the past eleven years, is there anything at the beginning you would change? (1:20:08)

What is “irrational confidence”? (1:22:05)


Added Value: “2 A.M.”

App: Overcast

Article: Specialness Spirals

Book: Angels

Book: King, Warrior, Magician, Lover

Book: Love People, Use Things

Class: How to Write Better

Essay: How to Start a Successful Blog in 2022

Essay: Our 21-Day Journey into Minimalism

Essay: The Sound of Life

Explore: Banksy

Explore: Van Gogh

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Jessica Williams

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Instagram: Wove Arts

Instructions: RSS Feed

Podcast: Decade of Less

Podcast: John Deloney

Podcast: Hidden Clutter

Podcast: Luxury Items

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Website: Beulah


“To persuade someone is to unlove them.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“I’d rather empower someone than exert power over someone.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“The pursuit of pleasure obstructs happiness.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Too much order or too much chaos paralyzes us.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Our pursuit of happiness is making us miserable.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Death is the ultimate FOMO.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“To worry about something is to pray for something bad to happen in the future.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 318.


Private Podcast | "30 Years of Friendship"

Joshua and Ryan talk about lessons from their 30 years of friendship, as well as some of their failures from the past decade, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 When did you launch your website? 08:19 What’s the harm in occasionally breaking the rules? 14:43 Were there items you ever saved for special occasions? 35:40 What are some of your personal failures over the past eleven years? 40:05 How do you define “happiness”? 41:08 Why do many people seek out chaos? 43:32 What is the problem with happiness? 1:02:22 What have been the best and worst parts of your friendship? 1:09:29 What is your opinion regarding cloud storage and digital photography? 1:15:32 Outside of minimizing physical stuff, what have you learned about minimizing the internal elements of life, like stress, depression, worry? 1:15:53 Why is worry pointless? 1:16:32 What are the two types of fear? 1:20:08 Reflecting on the past eleven years, is there anything at the beginning you would change? 1:22:05 What is “irrational confidence”?


Marta Bielecka

I just went for Van Gogh In Warsaw yesterday. Ryan: it's like you've just described my experience. Would I go again? Yes, cause it's magnifying the paintings, so I was able to see more, but you should have seen my face after leaving the room once I released it was THE ONLY ROOM 🤣

Nicole Nicol

I also had the same experience of Van Gogh..I enjoyed it but I get what you mean. Like Ella is was an amazing experience for my kids ..an alternative way to see and experience Van Gogh out of the traditional gallery. I enjoyed so much of the conversation and I was especially interested in Ryans point about the conspiracies and the video his mum wanted him to watch. I totally agree and need to do this more.. so many of the dramas and big questions ...I need to let go as the outcome isn't going to change my life. Sometimes I guess you feel are you being apathetic by looking the other way although I must say turning off the nightly news helps my mental health a great deal!! The conversation about death is also something I'd love to hear more about as in our culture I feel that we are taught to fear what isa natural part of life. Relevant recently as our dog passed away so many big discussions with the kids and I realise how ill prepared even adults are to accept and maybe embrace it rather than push the feelings down and go on. x