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Patreon Exclusive. Joshua and Ryan speak with Amanda Montell, author of Cultish, about power, freedom, influence, and whether minimalism could become a cult, and they answer the following questions:

Why are so many people resistant to authority? (03:29)

Why are people drawn to groups? (16:10)

What would make minimalism a cult? (17:04)

How do celebrity fan cults develop? (18:25)

Is veganism a cult? (20:00)

What is the difference between “cult” and “cultish”? (24:16)

How is language twisted to control others? (35:20)

Where did the phrase “drinking the Kool-Aid” originate? (47:26)

Can religions be considered cults? (56:12)

How did the word “cult” become negative? (58:37)

Why doesn’t Amanda like the word “panties”? (1:05:54)

How do you free yourself physically and mentally from a cult environment? (1:09:39)


Article: Cult Language

Article: Power?

Book: Cultish

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Book: Wordslut

Coffee: Bandit Coffee Co.

Explore: Jonestown

Instagram: Mallory French

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Podcast: Minimalism Diets

Podcast: Savage Lovecast

Podcast: Sounds Like a Cult

Qonversation: Dan Savage

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Watch: Cult of WeWork

Watch: I Hate the Word “Panties”

Watch: Minimalism

Watch: The Family

Watch: WeWork

Watch: Wild Wild Country

Website: Amanda Montell

Website: Beaulah


“The algorithm is the ultimate cult leader.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“Every dogma comes prepackaged with a blindfold.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“A self-righteous person is unable to see the truth.” —Ryan Nicodemus

“The truth doesn’t care about your happiness.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 317.



Elle Dunn

This has been such a pleasure to listen to, it really struck a chord with me since I grew up in a religious cult. Amanda was a pleasure to listen to as Ryan and Josh always are.

Aiden Healey

Even the word "CULTure" is sort of fascinating after taking in this podcast.