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Patreon Exclusive. Joshua and Ryan discuss overcoming our urge to find solace in shopping, and they answer the following questions:

Why do we relentlessly search for the next best thing? (00:00)

Who is Jony Ive? (17:27)

What causes a shopping addiction? (25:39)

What are the symptoms of a shopping addiction? (28:38)

What can we do to curb the urge to shop compulsively, particularly with regards to grocery shopping? (46:15)

How do I determine between want and need when it’s for my child? (51:32)

How do I stop obsessively researching every new purchase I make? (56:44)

How can I help a loved one who believes in “retail therapy”? (1:03:23)

How do I appropriately address a loved one’s distress that I don’t want to participate in shopping dates anymore? (1:07:47)


Article: 5 Ways to Combat a Shopping Addiction

Article: Different Types of Shopping or Spending Addictions

Article: That

Book: Love People, Use Things

Book: Minimalist Rulebook

Explore: Diderot Effect

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Patreon: The Minimalists

Podcast: Johann Hari

Podcast: Derek Sivers

Podcast: The Lacking

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists

Website: Shopaholics Anonymous


“Everything is 100% off when you don’t buy it.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Clutter doesn’t make you discontented—chasing contentment through consumerism does.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“The ‘how’ is most useful after you understand the ‘why.’” —Ryan Nicodemus

“Pleasure-seeking always leads to sadness.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“You can’t more your way to less.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 306.


Private Podcast | "Shopaholics Anonymous"

Joshua and Ryan discuss overcoming our urge to find solace in shopping, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 Why do we relentlessly search for the next best thing? 17:27 Who is Jony Ive? 25:39 What causes a shopping addiction? 28:38 What are the symptoms of a shopping addiction? 46:15 What can we do to curb the urge to shop compulsively, particularly with regards to grocery shopping? 51:32 How do I determine between want and need when it’s for my child? 56:44 How do I stop obsessively researching every new purchase I make? 1:03:32 How can I help a loved one who believes in “retail therapy”? 1:07:47 How do I appropriately address a loved one’s distress that I don’t want to participate in shopping dates anymore?


Ricardo C Pinzon Jr

Great podcast! I have seen what being a shopaholic can do to a person. I have seen what it can do to a relationship. Your answers to many of those questions hit the nail on the head. Many years ago, I was an ebay addict before Amazon hit it big! Baseball cards, comic books, books, etc., would fill my mailbox or doorstep. I have since stopped. Many of those items I have purchased still sit in boxes. They are not burning a hole in my soul yet, but....they are still there. As I continue this journey of minimalism, I will eventually touch those boxes again. A moment of truth will be realized of how my past shopping habits, affected me in the past and if they will still affect me today. Only time will tell. Thanks again!

Amena El-kindy

Hey dudes, I found so much value in this episode. Thank you 😊