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Joshua and Ryan discuss how to appropriately filter and address unsolicited advice, and they answer the following questions:

What is the illusion of ‘shoulds’ and prescriptions? (00:00)

How do I decide whose advice to listen to? (44:45)

Isn’t it that there’s not an advice epidemic, but, rather, an unqualified-advice epidemic? (49:06)

With regards to weight loss, how can I learn to be okay with the skin I’m in while also wanting to reduce? (54:05)

How do we appropriately address people who insist on giving unsolicited parenting advice? (59:01)

How can we better balance improving one’s self while also just letting go and having fun? (1:04:33)


Article: No Prescriptions

Audiobook: Launching Rockets

Book: As a Decade Fades

Book: Love People, Use Things

Essay: Off-the-Rack Self-Righteousness

Essay: Packing Party

Instagram: Beaulah

Instagram: Jordan Moore

Instagram: Podcast Shawn

Instagram: Danny Unknwn

Patreon: The Minimalists

Podcast: The Nourish Balance Thrive Podcast

Resources: The Minimalists

Subscribe: The Minimalists

Text: 937-202-4654

Tour: The Minimalists


“The Truth does not require persuasion, coaxing, or coercion—it is the Truth whether you are convinced or not.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“There are no ‘shoulds’—only ‘coulds.’ —Ryan Nicodemus

“If you don’t have boundaries, you don’t have freedom.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Progress is the enemy of perfection.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“When we understand the problem, the ‘how-to’ takes care of itself.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Ideologies cloud the truth.” —Joshua Fields Millburn

“Don’t search for advice; search for insight.” —Ryan Nicodemus

This Maximal episode corresponds with Minimal episode 302.


Private Podcast | "Shoulding All Over Ourselves"

Joshua and Ryan discuss how to appropriately filter and address unsolicited advice, and they answer the following questions: 00:00 What is the illusion of ‘shoulds’ and prescriptions? 44:45 How do I decide whose advice to listen to? 49:06 Isn’t it that there’s not an advice epidemic, but, rather, an unqualified-advice epidemic? 54:05 With regards to weight loss, how can I learn to be okay with the skin I’m in while also wanting to reduce? 59:01 How do we appropriately address people who insist on giving unsolicited parenting advice? 1:04:33 How can we better balance improving one’s self while also just letting go and having fun?


Emily Potter

I would love to hear a deeper dive into that last question by Monica.

Ashley Heim

Today I told my husband: "There's no need to should all over yourself like that. There is no *should*" The look he gave me: Priceless.


If only we could have seen his face!