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The Minimalists speak with Cal Newport about the three principles of slow productivity, letting go of social media, determining one’s foundational values, minimizing idea clutter, when the need for control becomes unhealthy, the balance between contentment and striving, setting fulfilling goals, and much more!

Discussed in this episode:

What are the three principles of slow productivity? (02:20)

Should The Minimalists quit social media? (27:57)

How can my company determine our foundational values? (56:17)

How can I minimize idea clutter? (01:15:00)

When does the need to control become unhealthy? (01:36:30)

Seriously, should The Minimalists quit social media? (01:50:44)

Should Cal Newport quit running ads on his podcast? (02:15:48)


Added Value: On The Train Ride Home

Article: On Disruption and Distraction

Book: Slow Productivity

Podcast: Deep Questions

Podcast: Savage Love Cast

Resource: Values Worksheet

Subscribe: The Minimalists' Newsletter

Tour: The Everything Tour

Website: Hire the Minimalists to Speak

Website: CalNewport.com


Because problem solving is foundational to the human experience, we often search for problems that don’t exist.

We become what we value.

Our values are shaped by how we spend our time.

Information becomes clutter as soon as it creates thoughts that trample meaningful experiences.

Simplicity is beautiful; beauty is essential.

Organizing is the mind’s way of quieting the chaos.

The best way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it.

The Disease of More is fed by seemingly noble aspirations.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Martijn van Dongen

What a great move for the Minimalists to leave Social Media. I did this quite a while ago and gave me so much relieve and peace. The first few weeks I was a bit detoxing (wasn't a huge "user" of it but I was one of those endless scrollers without any reason). Anyway, I wanted to thank JFM for sharing great music! I never heard of the Paper Kites and I am so grateful he shared the song at the end of the episode! I am a musician as well and find it quite hard to find the real gems lately because we have so much access, it overwhelms me. I am currently listening to the whole album. Keep up the awesome work you guys (and Malabama) do! Thank you so much for learning so much what is important within this world and appreciate what we have and see. The world goes sometimes so fast, I forget to stand stil and enjoy life.

Nína Gunnlaugsdóttir

I loved the part where Cal talked about imagining how you want your future self to do/be and then working backwards from that to see what the first steps are towards that future. And appreciated that he added how to find out what you want as I’ve always felt a bit lost as to what I want. I actually find it hard to fill out the value worksheet and have tried a couple of times but struggle to find the “right” things to write down. I’ve come to the conclusion that maybe I need to try out more experiences to know what things are valuable to me. But I wonder if more people struggle with this?