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The Minimalists speak with Cal Newport about the three principles of slow productivity, letting go of social media, determining one’s foundational values, minimizing idea clutter, when the need for control becomes unhealthy, the balance between contentment and striving, setting fulfilling goals, and much more!

Discussed in this episode:

What are the three principles of slow productivity? (02:20)

Should The Minimalists quit social media? (27:57)

How can my company determine our foundational values? (56:17)

How can I minimize idea clutter? (01:15:00)

When does the need to control become unhealthy? (01:36:30)

Seriously, should The Minimalists quit social media? (01:50:44)

Should Cal Newport quit running ads on his podcast? (02:15:48)


Added Value: On The Train Ride Home

Article: On Disruption and Distraction

Book: Slow Productivity

Podcast: Deep Questions

Podcast: Savage Love Cast

Resource: Values Worksheet

Subscribe: The Minimalists' Newsletter

Tour: The Everything Tour

Website: Hire the Minimalists to Speak

Website: CalNewport.com


Because problem solving is foundational to the human experience, we often search for problems that don’t exist.

We become what we value.

Our values are shaped by how we spend our time.

Information becomes clutter as soon as it creates thoughts that trample meaningful experiences.

Simplicity is beautiful; beauty is essential.

Organizing is the mind’s way of quieting the chaos.

The best way to organize your stuff is to get rid of most of it.

The Disease of More is fed by seemingly noble aspirations.


Joshua Fields Millburn

Ryan Nicodemus

T.K. Coleman


Professor Shawn

Danny Unknwn

Post-Production Peter



Consuela Agayoff

While I’m not prescribing to get completely rid of my social media I do think I’ll work towards less days of looking at it!

Katie H

I have created different social media accounts on multiple occasions because it is your content I want to see, but only a little time goes by before I find the experience of social media life-sucking and deactivate all the accounts again. I specifically pay for patreon to *avoid* the social media part of it. As a bonus, I find I'm more purposeful with my time and much more mindful of what I'm taking in. I agree with Cal, seeing happy faces feels important to me, but I do also enjoy the audio while I'm on the move. I personally really appreciate you on Patreon.


Mind blown. My plan for April was to drop social media indefinitely. I already dropped the one what had friends on it. Now I only have one for the activities in my small town and my favorite things. (The Minimalists, Depeche Mode, Scotland shitposting…) 🤣 I only have a fb. So I’ll be with youse there. I’m also going to drop all apps I have that aren’t for reading or listening, to my favorite things. Also, T.K., I love your points on only talking to people on calls who will end the call with “I love you”, and arguing with people to like you. I’m done trying to prove who I am. I honestly should send in a voice memo just on that… But also, I love watching all your beautiful faces. I suppose I can deal with just audio! I love you! 😍😉


i agree with one of your callers that your values worksheet is a helpful document to work on. I have my completed copy hanging up in my office so I can refer to it when I have a question about accepting a commitment that is offered to me. once I clarify my values, decision-making becomes so much easier. thanx, guys.

Melissa Mahoney

Great conversation. I made a conscious decision over this past Christmas break to remove toxicity from my life. I thought of the people and things that I felt exaggerated my negative emotions or rather, brought out the worst in me. The social media void alone has been phenomenal. Inner peace is something I will never take for granted again. I do use the DM aspect due to family that is spread out all over the world but that’s 2 minutes of my life once every 2-3 weeks. Best decision I’ve ever made for myself. Hands down. No regrets!


I took a week long break from IG. Didn’t miss it at all. However, I saw that I missed some really cool updates from friends that I keep up with through IG who live in different countries.


The community questions were top notch. 💜

Toni Remedios

You’ve inspired me to drop my FB and Insta! I thought I was already doing “well” with just two social media accts, but the value I was getting from both was not worth the costs. My upcoming birthday was actually making me stress when thinking about all the Facebook birthday wishes I’d have to spend time on, both from my real AND my fake friends. Do you ever get a ping of anger when reading “happy birthday, name.” I mean I’m judging them for not saying anything personal. That’s obviously my own issue taking on that reaction, but this ep has finally pushed me over the edge to click “deactivate” and gift myself a carefree, blissful day (yep, I’m too weak to delete FB just yet…) THANK YOU! Side note, I’ve never really understood the video component of podcasts, so going audio-only is an excellent decision imho. Just as long as we keep getting to see you in FAMZ and on your website.


Thanks for this podcast episode. I’ve listened twice already. Excellent content.


I often feel that same FB-related birthday stress. Good to know I'm not the only one. Congrats and keep us posted on your progress! –JFM


Please do not stop the video version!!! I love it and look forward to it every Monday morning. A true fan.

Becky Duret

Loved this topic and conversation! I’m planning to delete social media apps off of my phone. It’s funny—I don’t use them that much, but I feel the pull of them all the time. Just thinking about removing them feels like a sigh of relief. I hope you choose to keep the video version of this podcast. Seeing all of you in conversation definitely adds value to my experience!

Stacy Vaughan

I like the part where you identify what you enjoy…radio/audio and reading fiction. What was the initial reason you went to social media and YouTube video? This was also an experiment …enjoy the reflections! I support taking a break IF you guys are ready. Patreon is terrific for our community. I left FB, Insta last summer. I’m enjoying “not knowing” what my friends are doing, saying, posting. It’s calmer, leaving more downtime to just be.✨🙏🏻

Shawn F

Outstanding episode for the week, thank you to all. Really ties in with the direction my life has been going over the past few years. Everything from Slow Productivity to ejecting most social media from my life. I had no idea there was a term called "Slow Productivity" for what I was doing at work. I dislike how management classifies productivity, and uses that as the only means for promotion. Over 12 years ago, I stopped doing so much multi-tasking at work and focused on a single item for longer durations as it was found that constant switching between tasks made it stressful and caused work to be delayed further as the mind takes times to switch tasks. Simplifying life by means of removing social media, distractions such as email notifications on the smart watch (went back to a hand-wind Timex analog), more intentional conversations with close friends or limited texting and taking other actions has improved my life significantly. Reducing digital clutter (Photos, files, etc.) has also made things much simpler. Especially now that it's only a fraction of what I used to have, and only need to worry about a couple of critical files. Has been a pleasure to attend the Sunday Symposium and recently the Ventura tour. Looking forward to San Diego, and I'll give an update on my continued digital reduction. If votes count, I do prefer the video podcasts. I mostly listen while doing other things, but it's nice to see the visuals. Like JFM, my two favourite mediums are audio and books. Another similarity is I have the same view about paying for ad-free versions. Though, I don't pay for the ad-free versions of two streaming services as I get them for free and don't watch often.

Richard Dimech

What’s your opinion if I use YouTube to watch Catholic Mass online, or pray the rosary, or Facebook to join a Decluttering Group. The Simplify Everything Course was a class via YouTube? I only want to concentrate on content that “adds value” to me. I first discovered the Minimalists via Podcasts, so if the podcast could be video based then the YouTube channel wouldn’t be needed? Would your Patreon content still be created?


Although YouTube has social media elements, YouTube videos by themselves are not the "social media" we're talking about in this episode.


Thought-provoking. The question that I found most interesting, is if it is even beneficial for society to use this kind of social media in the best of ways, because next to your own, potebtially most thoughtful and constructive content will be the heaps of garbage, distracting the very same people that you want to add value to. I am using X less recently, because it's so easy to be sucked into argumentative nonsense and the triggering "For You" section, which is precisely the opposite, but a place to make me interact in a negative way, because it keeps showing me content that I will disagree with. I like how the platform has developed technically and in the way of free speech, but the incentive for negative engagement hasn't changed. I've ended up unfollowing everyone and only re-followed a handful of accounts. I do have a very few lists for a couple interests which I've also minimized in volume. Less but more meaningful and constructive interaction, great idea.

Cindy Jacobs

I’m really feeling this episode. Looking forward to doing fewer things. And getting off of Social Media. My life has been turned upside down this past year, and now I feel like you’re helping me put things back into this empty closet that are valuable and comforting. Thanks so much.


We need more Cal Newport. Love this episode.


Excellent episode! It is great your guest stayed till the end, loved your conversations with him. I’ll pass on this no social media challenge, I am pretty happy with my social media use as for now. I have a no-buy and decluttering challenge since December till the end of this year and it is going amazingly well so far :)


Would love to hear more about that decluttering challenge once you've gotten toward the end. Keep us posted!

Yvonne van Dalen

I love this. I use Facebook for one group where I support my students. I have instagram to share my creative work. But I’m following nobody on either platform. Still, this episode has got me thinking whether I should quit the whole social media concept altogether… are you using any digital communication channels with friends or is it all real life contact for you since leaving?

Stacy Vaughan

Since leaving the FB and Insta social media platforms (3) consistent friends remain in touch with text and phone calls and we schedule face-to-face time which is precious to me. I have a small handful of people that reach out to connect monthly or quarterly…which works too-I’ll hear from them via text and it usually results in a long “catch up” phone call. For me the time and distance feels more natural to each of these relationships. We have much to share and it’s fresh…and best part…wait for it…it’s NOT small talk! Ps…I locked 🔐 my credit card 💳 so “X” formerly known as Twitter cannot renew my silly 🙃 checkmark ✅…more F R E E D O M in 2024…mentallly, emotional and financially! Great question 🙋🏼‍♀️…let us all know what you decide!✨🙏🏻


Ironically I quit about 3 weeks prior to listening to this . I had been feeling that the postive would out weigh the negative in regard to being off social media. This episode was very encouraging to hear quite frankly. I don't even think about social media honestly which I think is telling (it was a daily habit).. I say 'good riddance'!

Gloria Reynolds

I'll miss the video version, but thank you for modeling letting go! I'm glad you'll get mor capacity to invest in other content instead! I'm working towards that as well so. At times life can get overwhelming but I noticed the less on social media I am no matter how curated on the more my creativity flow and the more I want to create art, bellydance, and go to botanical gardens and art shows instead. Thank you Minimalists for your great content as always!


fantastic episode, listened and re-listened, took notes and reviewed on them. I did a mindmap on WHAT DO YOU DO WITH YOUR TIME? with two big "arms", one VALUE and one WASTE. then I extended both with my observations about the two categories. so far so good. done this a few times already. what made a difference this time was a method called "nine whys" (liberating structures) - I did that on everything in favour for value and waste. WOW. I found an interesting view on the difference between getting bored & distracted and being lazy and present. I already had deleted my few social media apps a while ago, never missed it. the YT algorythm should be next, since I found 173 "watch later" pins there, which I deleted right away. puh. busy is the new stupid. match your mind & space to the value of your doings - that is a much better approach. THANK YOU for being growing, graduating and evolving!

Agata Lenczewska-Madsen

Amazing episode. I will be leaving me SoMe for the rest of the year together with you guys. I have a photographic show in May, but will try to announce it through my website, email and local media. And mouth to mouth. I have been you listener for a very long time, but now decided to be a patron as well.

Mallory French

Brava, Katha! Would you be willing to send a voice memo to podcast@theminimalists.com so we can share your experience with our audience during our "listener comments and tips" segment?


„I would prefer rather not to“ ;-) as Bartleby would say. thank you for asking, maybe Malabama would be willing to read it instead?

Yvonne van Dalen

I love this! Thank you Stacy. 👍👍 I have since then removed my Instagram account. I am only using my support group on Facebook nothing else. YouTube only hosts my unlisted videos. I will now share my new designs and products on Pinterest only and build an email list from my website. That already gives me so much relief.

Yvonne van Dalen

I have also invited all my friends to WhatsApp and oldschool phone calls. So much more contact and better conversations. 🔥🔥🔥

Stacy Vaughan

“…already gives you so much relief”…fantastic Yvonne…that’s what matters most! Have a beautiful April!

Laura T

PLEASE don't get rid of the video version. I am very visual and like to look at something as well as listen. I am usually doing things around the house as I listen but I do watch also. I like watching you all interact.

Amber Bayer

Thank you for this. I unfollowed hundreds of accounts on SM because of this. Finding my happiness and corners of the world on different platforms. TT for books. IG for dogs and photography. FB groups for our animal local rescue. Snapchat is strictly family. YouTube is my educational platform.

Mallory French

Don't worry Laura—the archives will still be there. We're open to bringing it back in the future if it ads value. Enjoy the simplicity!

Laura T

So you guys are not going to be doing a video version anymore? For Patreon? I don't mean for YouTube. I mean what I watch on Patreon.