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naruto 91 uncut.mp4



Just to clarify there was a war going on at the time. The 3rd great ninja war and the brother died as a result of this war. So Orochimaru didn't kill him. o


Tsunade still stuck to her 1 finger she is pretty impressive :D ofc we gotta have a wager here xD good motivation for Naruto and he already sort of did it here so he aint that far off :) ye its the necklace thats significant, nothing else to see :D Nawaki was pretty similar to Naruto, no wonder she got flashbacks when she saw him :) true you would do a great Tsunade, looking forward to it :D damn Orochimaru was savage, no condolences just laid it out there for Tsunade, but it is true during war if a kid goes out to battle something like that can very easily happen :P its great to see how Tsunade tried to turn her tragic loss into something positive for the village, make a change :) yes Dan was Shizune's uncle :) not sure if its the necklace of death or the kiss of death :P no wonder Tsunade is so traumatized after seeing Dan dying like that, in her arms, and because of that she has her phobia, cant blame her for what she has become :) damn Jiraiya went in on Tsunade with the serious talk :D true they told Tsunade she has to bring 2 people for sacrifice, how convenient Naruto and Jiraiya are there :D its all a lot for her at once thats for sure :P love listening to your predictions, its really fun, plus shows that you care and that you are paying attention, great reaction as always :)