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well it looks like Tsunade has truly severed her connections to the village, she has no idea whats going on there and she doesnt seem to care too much about it getting destroyed :P yee unfortunately Tsunade doesnt really know how Orochimaru's Reanimation jutsu works :D now it makes more sense why Tsunade isnt a medic anymore, with her phobia its difficult :) good that Jiraiya keeps going into pubs, finally paid off :D I really like that pub scene, how intimate it is, just in one location, the dialogue is great, awesome character work, its like something from a Tarantino movie, very well done :) ye Naruto hasnt really met Orochimaru, he was knocked out when he revealed himself to Sasuke and Sakura, thats why he didnt even know about the Curse Mark :) ofc the whole 5th Hokage thing is gonna choke him up, plus the overflow of new information overall, its a lot :D so now we also understand why people call her Princess, she is related to the 1st Hokage :) Jiraiya played it smoothly, no need to reveal all the details regarding her election xD Tsunade really doesnt care, she has grown pretty cold :P I like how it looked like she might get Royal Flush but it just didnt happen cause ofc her luck is terrible :D poor Naruto got humiliated but props to him for standing up for his believes :) looks like he reminded her of her loved ones in the end, thats dope :) what a hype moment to end it on, Naruto's first ever Rasengan :D ye Tsunade is the one people usually think of when they talk about best babes, me though I was simping for Temari back in the day when I was watching the show for the first time :P love you too Colette, thank you for your hard work and for sharing your experience with us :)


glad to hear, at least Im giving something back :)