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Good morning, all of you beautiful beasties! I do not farewell in cars for longer than an hour even if I’m driving. Something about my ADHD just screams at even the thought of long car rides. And yet, for the sake of those that I care about sometimes a little bit of a vehicular, Odyssey is required. That said the weekend was absolutely nutty with a ton of miles covered and way too much gas purchased. Remind me to either purchase, an electric vehicle, develop portal, technology, or steal a TARDIS from Gallifrey when I finally have to retire old Pidge here.

All of that is to say that given the weekend, now that I know the kids are home safe and I visited the post office, I’m gonna go home and take 2 Advil, have a nap and then I’ll record MMCT from bed…

Talk to you guys soon.

Happy Monday,


P.S.- I have included a picture of my pancakes. I believe it was Contessa Sassy Von Assey who asked about my pancake production. Please note that I have enclosed a little bit of very pale bear thigh just in case you needed some protein in your diet lol



Sherry McGinn

Both the pancakes and the bear thigh look good. Sorry, you were stuck in the vehicle so much this weekend. I hope your week is better. Bear hugs 🫂 🤗 ❤️