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In which our heroes go to the desolate cabin in the woods and bring all the sextons and lube they might need but forget cellphone chargers, clothes, food, water, and all of them signed brand new life insurance policies that all pay out to the same person, Count CrazyCakes, who none of them are related to, but it seemed ike a good idea at the time. 




Also, your answer about the non spicy dating (I am not Touching the Dino DNA segment, nightmares…) ok! Ummm… dude you gotta be careful with the bookstore date idea. Because Whoo… in certain populations (like.. cough cough… librarians…) that is like crack. - I loved when you said, if I like you and want to date you and get to know you, I don’t really care what we do. Oh that is also kryptonite. I had a first date, a meetup of sorts, earlier this week and there was a discussion of where to meet. He lives an hour from me. I suggested we meet at a coffee place, pick up beverages, and go off to the local city park. He agreed. I suggested Dunkees, Starbies, find a cute cafe…? And he said, I don’t care where we go, I’m not driving sn hour for the COFFEE. - I mean… right thru the heart with that. Which is how we ended up talking for 2 hrs at a crappy Dunkees 3 blocks from my house.

Jessica Capps

I love the date conversation!