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Wherein we have some fun, and get a bit filthy, and get ready for Friday



Jo Blackthorn

I’m picturing a Monty Python style creation story centered around “and then there were boobies.” And there was MUCH rejoicing. We have at least three other library members with polycules and it rocks my socks. Re: the origin story for B&tb. I’m thinking how their first meeting became their first playtime would be engaging; which part of the groundwork was laid when, and when things got interesting. There are indeed ‘all manner of foolishness and craziness,’ and it’s delightful. Good to know that after everything, it’s talk of synergy that makes you feel gross. Thank you for confirming your red wings again. And taking a pelvis to the face–you should get some kind of award for that. Injured in the line of duty.

Debra Womack

I'm listening through the archives and 🤯 each intro is hotter than the last. I'm 17 minutes in and have to pause because first, I cannot get any work done and second, I need to change my panties. From LISTENING.