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You know what, now I wonder if in a moment of dire need, Optimus Prime ever fell on his knees and shouted to the heavens, " LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBOR, STATE FARM IS THERE!" while the camera did a slow pull out and the music rose in intensity


Jo Blackthorn

I think the desire for a secret emoji message is your brain's habit of trying to make everything an extra level of interesting. Not your fault sometimes a cigar is just a cigar. “Safety Sanctity Smut,” needs to be art. Assuming it isn’t merch, of course. Rent movie critiques are legit. Rent stage show critiques are legit. Also anytime you’re surrounded by intense enthusiasm (like Rentheads) it makes the taste in your mouth so much worse. And re: the challenge of critiquing the establishment while being a part of it, “Pull My Strings” by The Dead Kennedys. I really like how you set up the commonalities between Jabba’s pleasure barge and the Tydirium shuttle. For the co-op: hammocks also have built-in comedic potential, good choice. Oh, I’m so excited about the GMFB story. Your excitement (and the festival of references there) only compounds it. An advantage to cloning yourself: you could play piano AND violin and do all those cool Gil Shaham arrangements (album ref: Devil’s Dance). I told those who are planning the cookbook, but just to reiterate, I’m really looking forward to getting that chicken soup mirepoix you sounded so proud of back in a December MMCT. I’m now picturing a graphic novel (in the style of Matt Fraction and David Aja) where you keep Lucky the Cat and feed them pizza.