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A wee bit gravely, but percolating towards such wonderful, full bodied, and steamy possibilities.



Jo Blackthorn

Weird thought experiments are the best. Consider the other idea, bend that brain, say ‘what if…’ “..not times or spaces or places per say,” is gloriously open-ended. The Library having access to the actual Sherwood Forest makes me think of the Magic Tree House series. “fluid…not fluid at the same time.” This reminds me of trying to hack how smoke behaves. We can explain it with math, lots of math, and sometimes that’s useful, but so is burning incense and just sitting back to watch the vapor. Beauty & the Beast coffee machine: love this idea. A machine with all kinds of parts and abilities; a Swiss Army knife using physics and chemistry with a core job of serving caffeine. Gonna be one hell of a fighter. Museum benches; helping you to enjoy art in all its wonderful forms, including both the paintings on display and Tracey’s breast’s (helpfully also on display). The Dark Towel feels like a dark take on Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy. You always have your towel…but it also has you… I wonder if it would help folks understand consent in cnc better if it was always (always!) explained as a form of role play. The three C’s still apply, all the framework is there, and while the theme might be a bit different, it’s not that different and it doesn’t override anything. The general approach is the same. The roles are different. (I also hate that I know exactly which ‘TT question going around’ you’re talking about) Fountain of youth answer: keep medicine, eliminate the greed/profit of medicine during the transition. I like this plan. Heaping Helping: The combination of smirk, torn clothing, and rope burn sounds absolutely delightful. Fifty Shades: it annoys me, but I get it as a starting point. Someone can start there, but they shouldn’t end there. I’m glad if it sparked their curiosity, but it should not be their model. Amen to the hidden garter belt and the sneaky toy. Having fun whenever you can, and getting away with all of it. The magic of creation/absence of a timetable: the dismissive noise you made gives me life, and you conjured Mark Watney in my head talking about the shifting nature of Martian days (and pirate-ninjas as a unit of measurement. Bc create what you need, seriously).

Jo Blackthorn

Second comment for the second half. You included making sure ‘the flaming goat is flaming,’ among holiday traditions, acknowledging that the tradition is both the creating and the burning—that’s awesome. I love that goat. The spreadsheets aren’t to force you, or any of this, into a box. Excel is your great white whale? Ok, then this is us taking one of the many library routes to the ocean, finding where the white whales breed, and admiring them as they sing in Klingon and do impossible acrobatics. Seriously, the way the light hits during those jumps is amazing. The perceived organization is for contrast. And for folks looking good in suits and having all kinds of fun in office environments (the shoes match the belt and the spicy friendship bracelet). And then stripping off the blazer and shoes and running down to the ocean. We want both, we’re greedy like that. Library of Alexandria: if that goes well, may I suggest the Library of Timbuktu? It sounds like a joke, I promise it’s not. Book rec: The Bad-Ass Librarians of Timbuktu (Joshua Hammer). We’ve talked about Sorkin’s shortcomings, but every time you say ‘school should be palaces’ I hear Sam Seaborn talking about school vouchers. “…We don't need little changes, we need gigantic, monumental changes. Schools should be palaces. The competition for the best teachers should be fierce…Schools should be…absolutely free of charge.” Yes(!) about resolutions, except I’d add a few extra shots at the self-help industry. And the fitness industry. And the diet industry. Very curious about what kind of ‘brain breaking’ Captain Beard Face experienced. Bc that could go in all kinds of directions, some of which I’d find relatable. We were talking about The Forming of a Different Party early in the NYE zoom. It got plenty of love, don’t you worry. I love conman stories. Not when they actually hurt people—more like Leverage. Sometimes the bad guys make the best good guys. Wouldn’t have thought Uncle Niky was one—something else to be curious about. You keep feeding my brain with this episode, it’s so cool. Kirby…being like Venom. I’m not sure about the Borg, but I’m stuck on Kirby-as-symbiote. Was he also created by Knull? If Kirby is an individual, not a species, is he a mutant? I need to go check my Kirby lore. Re: wishes and monkey-pawing the situation. Honestly? I’d be disappointed if you didn’t. Lawn darts tease: oh, you know I listen all the way through. It’s such a glorious blend of themes and concepts and tones—wonderful thought exercises throughout. This episode works particularly well—I’m listening to you talk about angelic dimensions while I’m playing pool. Lining up shots, thinking about the whole table, contemplating choices. It’s interesting. And interesting is my favorite.